Placebo | Birth Defects | Paxlovid & Omicron Effects | Cancer Myths | Healthy Foods & Aging

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Thursday, January 26, 2023


The Powerful Placebo

Two identical looking blue pills on a yellow background.

Sometimes, when you expect a treatment to work, it will. Scientists are looking for ways to harness this effect for medical treatments. (From NIH News in Health)

National Birth Defects Awareness Month

A woman lying down with her baby.

Learn how abnormalities present at birth can cause physical disability, intellectual and developmental disorders, and other health problems. (From NIH’s NICHD)

Paxlovid Reduces Serious Risks From Omicron Variants

An illustration of a cell with numerous SARS-CoV-2 virus particles.

The antiviral treatment Paxlovid reduced the risk of hospitalization or death from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in older adults by 44%. (From NIH Research Matters)

Common Cancer Myths and Misconceptions

A man looking at a laptop.

Get the latest science-based information about some common cancer misconceptions. Learn the facts so you can make informed health decisions. (From NIH’s NCI)

5 Tips for Choosing Healthier Foods as You Age

A senior couple preparing a healthy meal.

Read and share this infographic about making smart food choices for healthy aging. (From NIH’s NIA)