Sadness | AI/AN Newsletter | Cat Allergy | Drug Resistance | COPD

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Thursday, November 10, 2022


When Sadness Lingers

The silhouette of a man at sunset.

Long periods of sadness can be a sign of a serious disorder. Find out what you can do to address depression. (From NIH News in Health)

The Honoring Health e-newsletter

A family outdoors.

Information for American Indians and Alaska Natives that highlights NIH health topics, resources, events, and funding opportunities. (From NIH’s Tribal Health Research Office)

Experimental Cat Allergy Shots Provide Longer-lasting Relief

A woman sneezing near a cat.

An experimental approach that combines cat allergy shots with a monoclonal antibody led to more effective relief that continued a year after treatment ended. (From NIH Research Matters)

Drug Resistance

An assortment of pills spilling out of a medicine bottle.

Find out what research is underway to understand how microbes resist antimicrobial drugs - a significant public health problem. (From NIH’s NIAID)

The COPD Caregiver’s Toolkit

A woman hugging a senior man.

Information, advice, and tools to help care for someone with COPD, designed with and for caregivers. (From NIH’s NHLBI)