Face Masks | Caregivers | Chronic Pain Treatment | Healthy Moments Radio | American Indian and Alaska Native Health

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Face Masks and COVID-19

A woman wearing a face mask.

Face masks protect against COVID-19 for several reasons. Learn how they help keep you and others safe. (From NIH News in Health)

National Family Caregivers Month

A senior man smiling at his adult son.

Discover resources for caregivers to help their loved ones with oral care. (From NIH’s NIDCR)

Retraining the Brain to Treat Chronic Pain

A woman standing and holding her back while working on a laptop at home.

After a treatment called pain reprocessing therapy, two-thirds of people with mild or moderate chronic back pain reported being mostly or completely pain-free. (From NIH Research Matters)

Debbie Allen on Healthy Moments Radio Broadcast

Yellow headphones on a blue background.

Listen to celebrity Debbie Allen and Dr. Rodgers talk about diabetes and how to stay healthy. (From NIH’s NIDDK)

American Indian and Alaska Native Health

A Native American girl blowing a dandelion.

Check out health resources for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. (From NIH’s NLM)