Look Ahead to a Healthy You - NIDDK Health Information News December 2016

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NIDDK Health Information News December 2016

December 8, 2016
NIDDK Health Information News

Managing your weight all year long is important, but this holiday season is a great time to start taking small steps toward a healthy new year. Adopting healthy eating and physical activity habits can help you prevent health problems before they occur and lead to lasting lifestyle changes that may improve your overall health.


Join the Webinar and Discussion!
NIDDK’s Weight-control Information Network (WIN) is pleased to announce a January webinar on developing and sustaining a community wellness initiative using the Sisters Together program. Sisters Together is a health program that encourages African American women ages 18 and older to become more physically active and eat healthier foods.


Join us to learn about Sisters Together and hear how Rhonda Bayless, Executive Director of the Center of Wellness for Urban Women, Inc. (CWUW), established and sustains a program in her Indianapolis community. Registration is free, and a recording will be posted on NIDDK's WIN page and on YouTube after the webinar.


Sisters Together: Developing and Sustaining a Health Program for Your Community

Sisters Together

Thursday, January 19, 2016
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST
Hosted by the NIDDK and the CWUW

Healthy Moments

Health Tips from the NIDDK's Healthy Moments Video Series
NIDDK Director Dr. Griffin Rodgers shares easy tips for promoting good health and preventing disease in the NIDDK’s Healthy Moments video series. The short videos below may help you prepare for the holidays and make a plan to maintain your weight.


    • Start New Habits for Being Active and Eating Healthy
    • Eating Healthy on a Budget
    • Make New Year's Resolutions You Can Stick To


Visit the NIDDK on YouTube to find more health information you can share.


Look Ahead to a Healthy You: 2017 and Beyond
This December, Dr. Rodgers will be speaking with radio stations in the “Stroke Belt”, a region with higher rates of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. He will share achievable ways to manage weight during the holidays, research findings from the Look AHEAD trial related to lifestyle changes and diabetes, and the connection between obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease. Find more tips for looking ahead to a healthy you from the NIDDK.



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