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July 18, 2016 NIDDK Health Information News
Promoting Health Are you traveling this summer? Whether it's by plane, train, or automobile, you can stay healthy and still have fun. The NIDDK has evidence-based health information to help you get healthy and stay safe when you and your family are out and about this summer.
Don't Take a Vacation from Your Healthy Habits This Summer! Summer is a time to kick back and relax--but that doesn't mean you should take a vacation from healthy habits. Keep your healthy eating and physical activity habits in play all summer long by using the world around you.
Have Diabetes. Will Travel. Wherever you go, your diabetes follows. And while having diabetes should not stop you from traveling in style, you will need to do some careful planning.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Traveling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be stressful, especially if you're worried about finding a restroom close by. Find out how to manage and treat IBS before you hit the road.
Urinary Tract Infections During the summer, the days are long--and so are the car rides. Holding your urine too long can lead to a urinary tract infection (UTI). Find out how to recognize the symptoms, and treat and prevent a UTI.
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