Help Student with Diabetes Succeed at School
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) sent this bulletin at 08/20/2015 10:00 AM EDT
As the school year approaches, it's important to remember that students with diabetes face unique challenges related to managing their diabetes. NDEP has resources to help children and teens manage their diabetes and stay safe at school. One essential back-to-school resource you'll want to order is NDEP's Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel. This comprehensive guide provides school personnel, parents, and students with a team approach and useful tools to help students manage their diabetes effectively at school. The NDEP's Transitions: From Pediatric to Adult Care web resource can also support students who are transitioning to adult health care. For more information about NDEP's resources for schools and you, please visit |