5 Facts About Braille

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 5 Facts About Braille

Most people familiar with braille are aware that it is the system of raised dots read by individuals who are blind. However, there are a number of interesting things about braille that are not common knowledge. Here are 5 of those interesting facts.


1. Braille is not its own language, but a code that can be used to read and write almost any language.

2. There are versions of braille that allow individuals who are blind to read and write mathematics and sheet music.

3. Most individuals who are blind do not know braille. In 2009, the National Federation of the Blind reported that only 10 percent of Americans who are blind can read braille. This low number is partially due to the fact that many people instead opt to use speech-to-text software or similar technology.

4. Braille takes up much more space than the traditional alphabet. As a result, a Braille copy of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” is 10 volumes long.

5. Braille began as a military code called “night writing” meant to enable French army soldiers to communicate at night without speaking or lighting a candle.


January 4th marks World Braille Day, a day with the aim of celebrating the achievements of individuals who are blind, as well as creating awareness of the challenges they experience.


For information on accommodations for individuals who are blind or have low vision, including keyboards with Braille displays, visit our training module “Providing Reasonable Accommodations for People who are Blind or have a Vision Disability” at http://www.cap.mil/NewsEvents/TrainingVideo.aspx?id=6