DoD Patient Safety Program Monthly eBulletin - April 2015
Military Health System sent this bulletin at 04/01/2015 04:01 PM EDTIf you are having trouble reading this e-mail, please use this Web-based version.
The DoD Patient Safety Program eBulletin delivers patient safety updates, news, useful tips and resources. This month’s issue spotlights the High Reliability Organization concept and how it applies to the Military Health System. You can also check out a Patient Safety Awareness Week follow-up article, a Sentinel Event Spotlight and much more. Enjoy! Contents Announcements/Reminders Announcements/Reminders
Feature: High Reliability Organizations – An Overview*The Military Health System (MHS) has always been committed to continuous improvement. As a result, last summer the Secretary of Defense directed a 90-day review of the MHS with a focus on...Read more
Patient Safety Awareness Week 2015: How did You Celebrate? The DoD Patient Safety Program Wants to Hear from You!The week of 8-14 March, 2015 was National Patient Safety Awareness Week sponsored by the National Patient Safety Foundation. This year’s theme was “United in Safety” and highlighted the importance of...Read more
DoD PSP Annual Summary Fiscal Year 2014 (Upcoming April 2015)The FY2014 DoD PSP Annual Summary contains aggregation and analysis of the patient safety events, submitted by the Services, occurring up to...Read more
Sentinel Event Spotlight: Unsterile Medical Equipment in the Operating Room (Upcoming April 2015)This Sentinel Event Spotlight will focus on sentinel events and RCAs within the MHS related to the use of unsterile medical equipment in the operating room. Identified causal and contributing factors leading to...Read more
PSR Data Pulse UpdateReleased on the 16th of every month, this report offers a snapshot of PSR events reported. This one page document provides a...Read more
Upcoming EventsPatient Safety Learning Circles: TeamSTEPPS for Code Blue Teams: Piloting SBAR and CUS for Interprofessional Team Education 8 April, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST AHRQ is hosting a complimentary webinar on April 8 from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. In this webinar, Edward Lee, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor, Hospitalist Section in the UCLA Department of Internal Medicine, and Ken Miller, RN, MSN, CCRN, Simulation Education Program Coordinator in the UCLA Department of Nursing Practice Research and Education, will discuss how they identified the need for and implemented TeamSTEPPS tools in UCLA's Code Blue Teams. Specifically, this presentation will:
Professional Learning Series | Topic: Medication Reconciliation Best Practices National Patient Safety Foundation** 16 April, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST Speaker:
DoD Patient Safety Learning Circle: High Reliability Organizations (TENTATIVE) 28 April, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST Speakers: Heidi King and TBD Objectives:
Register now
Data Dialogue: DoD PSP Annual Summary Fiscal Year 2014* 29 April, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST After attending this Learning Circle, learners will better understand trends and analysis, along with process issues most associated with harm, related to frequently occurring patient safety events throughout the Military Health System (MHS) in fiscal year (FY) 2014. Patient Safety Reporting System (PSR), sentinel event (SE) notification, and root cause analysis (RCA) data garnered from the MHS for patient safety events will be discussed, along with relevant, evidence-based risk mitigation tools and strategies. Register now
Patient Safety Workshops: On-Demand eLearning: Patient Safety Reporting System v1.1 eLearning Course This course introduces basic navigation and functionality features of the PSR system and the roles of system users, such as event reporters, event handlers, and investigators. The course can be accessed through MHS Learn.
On-Demand eLearning: Patient Safety Reporting: Intermediate Course* Targeted to Patient Safety Managers and other MTF staff already familiar with basic functionalities of the Patient Safety Reporting System, this course is designed to help learners hone the decision-making skills needed to effectively manage patient safety event data in PSR, as part of the ongoing effort to eliminate preventable harm at MTFs.
On-Demand eLearning: Root Cause Analysis*
Patient Safety Reading CornerThese articles are external and provided for information purposes only. The DoD does not sponsor these websites.
Do you have a learning activity or networking opportunity that should be included? Email us here: |