Why Less Sunlight in the Wintertime Can Put You at Risk of Depression
During winter months at Fort Wainwright in Alaska, the sun comes up around 10 a.m. and sets a little bit before 3 p.m. Along with the frigid weather, the extended darkness creates an increased risk of depression and other mental health problems.
Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Sadness
Seasonal sadness can affect anyone, but many people find ways of coping with these changes. Healthy coping strategies include finding something you enjoy and relating it to this change of season.
Self-Care is as Easy as Downloading an App
The idea of "self-care" – the act of taking time for oneself to do something enjoyable – can help people to prioritize taking a moment for themselves to recharge.
Here's some news around the MHS you might have missed:
For one Air Force senior enlisted leader, the problem of “combat stress” and the toll it takes on warfighters – and often on their families, too – continues to be an issue that the military community struggles to fully understand.
The contract to build the largest U.S. hospital outside the United States has been signed, marking a significant step forward in progressing the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Medical Center Replacement (ROBMCR) project.
A New Way to Meet with Your Military Health Care Team
You and your family can conveniently get care in a new and easy way. All active duty service members, retirees, and families enrolled in a military hospital or clinic can now use MHS Video Connect - the Military Health System's web-based telehealth solution to access care.