Traumatic brain injury is an all-ages threat


Children TBI

Traumatic brain injury is an all-ages threat

Going for an afternoon jog and participating in afterschool sports are parts of daily life for millions of children. Most times, these activities are healthy and harmless, but without proper safety measures, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a possibility. A trip and fall could result in a head bump, as could a collision during a sporting event. In both cases, a mild TBI, also known as a concussion, could be the outcome. Injuries of this nature are common and can be scary, but parents and adults can take steps to improve safety and reduce injuries in children.


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SAMMC’s trauma mission benefits San Antonio, medical readiness

“Trauma team to the trauma room” often rings through the halls of San Antonio Military Medical Center throughout the day and the night. SAMMC is one of two Level I Trauma Centers in the city of San Antonio, which leads to many unique traumas coming through the emergency department each day.


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SAMMC trauma