LANL Wildland Fire Mitigation and Forest Health Plan
Los Alamos National Laboratory sent this bulletin at 07/30/2019 02:41 PM MDTFinding of No Significant Impact Issued for LANL Wildland Fire Mitigation and Forest Health Plan
The Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos Field Office has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the implementation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL) 2019 Wildland Fire Mitigation and Forest Health Plan (Plan). The FONSI was based on the analysis presented in the Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Forest Health Improvement Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (SEA) that there would be no significant effect on the human environment from Plan implementation.
The SEA evaluated and documented changes in the LANL management of forest health and wildfire mitigation procedures since the publication of the 2000 Environmental Assessment for the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Forest Health Improvement Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. The SEA identified changes to the affected environment since 2000; analyzing the potential effects associated with the implementation of new forest health strategies that emphasize LANL wildfire risk reduction practices; and assessing the potential natural resource management strategies that take into account evolving global climate changes in the northern New Mexico montane region.
The SEA and FONSI can be accessed online from the DOE Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance at and the 2000 EA and associated FONSIs can be accessed online at Additionally, the documents may be downloaded from the LANL Research Library Electronic Public Reading room at