IR-2024-189: IRS enhances FATCA registration website by requiring users to authenticate their identities

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IRS Newswire July 17, 2024

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Issue Number:    IR-2024-189

Inside This Issue

IRS enhances FATCA registration website by requiring users to authenticate their identities

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the agency will enhance the identity authentication process that financial institutions can use to register under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). 

Taxpayers as of July 14 are required to sign in or register with either of the IRS’ credential service providers, or, to access the FATCA registration system. FATCA requires most U.S. taxpayers holding financial assets outside the U.S. and certain foreign financial institutions to report assets and financial accounts to the IRS.

Taxpayers who already have a or an profile will be able to sign in to the FATCA Registration System as long as the email matches that of the responsible officer or point of contact on the FATCA registration.

Taxpayers that don’t already have a or profile will need to create one to access the system. The new authentication requirement complies with National Institute of Standards and Technology digital identity guidelines.

To create a new profile with either or, the taxpayer will need to verify an email address, create a password and set up multi-factor authentication to secure their FATCA account. Both and have help desks to assist taxpayers who have difficulty using the systems.

For questions and assistance regarding, please visit the help center. For questions and assistance regarding, please visit Verifying for the Internal Revenue Service – Help Site.


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