Issue Number: 2019-8
Inside This Issue
- Creating a FATCA Data Packet – Update
- IRS Updates List of Approved Certificate Authorities
1. Creating a FATCA Data Packet – Update
Due to a recent upgrade to the International Data Exchange System (IDES), users should ensure all FATCA Report files follow the strict naming convention below: (i.e. 2017 January 15 16:30:45.320 Z)
The file naming convention of a data packet is composed of a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timestamp and the GIIN of the sender (FATCAEntitySenderId) as: The timestamp format of the UTC is YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSmsZ where: YYYY = 4-digit year MM = 2-digit month DD = 2-digit day T = letter T for separating date and time HH = 24-hour MM = 2-digit minutes SS = 2-digit seconds ms = 3-digit milliseconds Z = Letter Z – the UTC designator
We apologize for any inconvenience this change has caused. Please refer to the IDES User Guide, IDES Data Preparation page, and IDES Data Preparation user tips for further information. The documents and web page have been updated with the correct file naming convention.
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2. IRS Updates List of Approved Certificate Authorities
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updated the list of approved certificate authorities. The Certificate Authority list has not changed, however, there have been updates to the names of some of the certificate types. For more information, visit the Digital Certificates page.
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