Another important consideration is that illicit financial flows are a global problem. Insufficient AML/CFT frameworks in some countries, including international financial centers, can attract criminal proceeds from abroad. In countries exporting illicit flows, we see there is less opportunity, higher inequality, higher poverty, more illegal immigration, misused resources, and environmental degradation. For example, one study shows that illicit financial flows in Africa (an estimated $1.3 trillion since 1980 has left sub-Saharan Africa) drain domestic revenues that could be used for the continent’s development, have a strong and negative effect on investment rates, notably private investment, and are curtailing Africa’s savings rate. These effects can also have a cascading effect on countries transiting or receiving the illicit proceeds.
This underscores why we must better understand how money laundering and terrorist financing can hurt individuals, countries, and even the global economy. And because of the wide-ranging consequences, we are deepening AML/CFT considerations across all the work that we do, while urging our members to safeguard their financial sectors and broader economy to help ensure global financial stability.
Deeper understanding
Analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing historically focused on threats and vulnerabilities. Both are central to gauging and containing risks, but more is needed. Knowing the full extent of consequences for economies requires being able to understand the fiscal, monetary, financial sector and structural costs of illicit flows. This is needed to document just how financial integrity affects both a given country’s financial stability and broader economy, plus how global financial stability might be affected.
Accordingly, the IMF Executive Board has endorsed a plan for the institution to expand its data analytics capacity to focus on these issues and deepen the coordinated approach across all of our key work areas, including IMF surveillance, lending engagements, capacity development and Financial Sector Assessment Programs. This new approach will also give the IMF new evidence to answer key questions including:
- Which sectors are most vulnerable for money laundering, from banks and real estate to virtual assets and precious metals?
- What countries export illicit flows, allow them to transit, and what countries integrate them?
- How do these illicit flows affect the economy, including its prospects for inclusive and sustainable growth and development?
Even after decades of progress in financial integrity, the Fund and the international community must persist and press on in this fight. Crime is a moving target, but we can—and must—broaden and deepen our containment efforts. This includes improving cooperation among stakeholders, including governments, international bodies, and civil society. For our part, the IMF will use its strength as a macroeconomic institution with global reach to help its members assess the impact of financial crimes and illicit flows and design and implement policies to address them. The cost of failure is simply too high.
—See our new AML/CFT page for the recent Executive Board paper: 2023 Review of the Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Strategy and the background papers.