Dear Colleague,
Welcome to the latest briefing on the 2020 Annual Meetings. Today we spotlight our latest World Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, Governor Talks focused on Angola and Indonesia, a conversation between Kristalina Georgieva and Melinda Gates, and much more. On that note, let's get started.
Today's featured media partners is Al Arabiya, the go-to for those seeking on-the-ground, first-hand coverage of major events of relevance across the Arab and wider world. Al Arabiya is the global face of the youngest, most dynamic and highly energetic Arab region.
7:30 AM EDT: Governor Talk: Angola's Experience with Fiscal Consolidation and Prudent Public Finances
As part of the Governor Talks series, Vera Daves de Sousa, Minister of Finance of Angola is in conversation with Abebe Selassie, Director of the African Department, IMF.
8:30 AM EDT: Press Briefing: World Economic Outlook (WEO)
In our latest World Economic Outlook, we continue to project a deep recession in 2020. Global growth is projected to be -4.4 percent, an upward revision of 0.8 percentage points compared to our June update. This upgrade owes to somewhat less dire outcomes in the second quarter, as well as signs of a stronger recovery in the third quarter, offset partly by downgrades in some emerging and developing economies. In 2021 growth is projected to rebound to 5.2 percent, -0.2 percentage points below our June projection. Read Gita Gopinath's just-published blog here on our latest Outlook.
Speakers include Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist and Director of the Research Department, IMF; Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, Deputy Director, Research Department, IMF; and Malhar Nabar, Division Chief, Research Department, IMF. The event will be moderated by Raphael Anspach, Senior Communications Officer, Communications Department, IMF.

9:00 AM EDT: Analytical Corner: Lives Under Lockdown
Session 1: COVID-19 Lockdowns and Exits in Asia: Some Lessons Session 2: Kurzarbeit- Germany's Short-Time Work Program Session 3: The Great Lockdown: Dissecting the Economic Effects
10:30 AM EDT: Press Briefing: Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR)
Speakers include Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF and Fabio Natalucci, Deputy Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department; IMF. The event will be moderated by Randa Elnagar, Senior Communications Officer, Communications Department, IMF.
12:00 PM EDT: Press Briefing - G-24
Speakers include Kenneth Offori-Atta, Minister of Finance, Ghana and Marilou Uy, Director, G-24 Secretariat. The event will be moderated by Gediminas Vilkas, Senior Communications Officer, Communications Department, IMF.
1:00 PM EDT: Post-COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience
Moderated by Francine Lacqua, Anchor, Bloomberg Television, London, this event will feature Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, IMF; Mark Carney, Finance Adviser to the Prime Minister for COP 26 and UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance; Vera Daves de Sousa, Finance Minister, Angola; and Laurence Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock, Inc.
2:30 PM EDT: Development Data Partnership: Bridging the Data Gap for Public Good
High frequency, timely, and granular information -- which is routinely collected by the private sector -- can help inform public policy and service delivery. Accessing and using such data responsibly has been challenging, for various administrative reasons. The Development Data Partnership—a new consortium founded by the World Bank, IMF, and IADB—provides the market, legal, and technical infrastructure necessary to facilitate public-private data partnerships for public good at scale.
Speakers include officials from the IMF, IDB, World Bank, Facebook, Google, and the Gates Foundation, among other organizations.
7:00 PM EDT: Governor Talk: Indonesia
This event will feature Perry Warjiyo, Governor of Bank Indonesia, and it will be moderated by Tobias Adrian, Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF.
7:00 AM EDT: Governor Talk: Moroccan Experience in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
As part of the Governor Talks series, Mohamed Benchaaboun, Minister of Economy and Finance of Morocco is in discussion with Jihad Azour, Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department, IMF.
8:00 AM EDT: Press Briefing: Fiscal Monitor (FM)
Speakers include Vitor Gaspar, Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF; Cathy Pattillo, Assistant Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF; and Paolo Mauro, Deputy Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF. The event will be moderated by Ting Yan, Communications Officer, Communications Department, IMF.
8:00 AM EDT: IMF CD on Debt and Debt Management
Against the backdrop of rising debt levels in low-income countries, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this talk will highlight the ongoing efforts to strengthen countries’ capacity to manage debt vulnerabilities and mitigate fiscal risks.
Speakers include Roger Nord, Institute for Capacity Development, IMF; Peter Breuer, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF; Oana Croitoru, Institute for Capacity Development, IMF; Clement Ncuti, Statistics Department, IMF; Marcos Chamon, Strategy and Policy Review Department, IMF; and Amanda Sayegh, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF.
9:00 AM EDT: Analytical Corner: Technology in a New World
Session 1: Digitalization and the Fight Against COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa Session 2: IT Shields: Technology Adoption and Economic Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Session 3: Mobile Money and COVID-19: Opportunities and Challenges
10:15 AM EDT: IMF Managing Director Press Briefing
This briefing will feature Kristalina Georgieva, and will be moderated by Gerry Rice, Director, Communications Department, IMF.
12:30 PM EDT: Conversation between Melinda Gates & Kristalina Georgieva
Moderated by Becky Anderson, Anchor, CNN International, this special event will feature Kristalina Georgieva and Melinda Gates.
Click here to watch European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde and IMF European Department Director Alfred Kammer discuss the post-pandemic landscape and challenges for policy makers in Europe. We also posted 3 short Analytical Corners on Changing Societies that focused on the economic effects of migration, automation and jobs in Europe, and containment policies in Latin America.
In a Capacity Development talk, a wide range of panelists discussed the role of the IMF in helping Sub-Saharan Africa to promote good governance and minimize the risk of corruption in the use of COVID-19 financial support. We also posted a new Governor Talk featuring a discussion with Azucena Arbeleche, Minister of Economy and Finance, moderated by Alejandro Werner, Director, Western Hemisphere Department, IMF.
Finally, don't forget to check out yesterday's New Economy Forum: Learning in the Time of COVID, which featured Sal Khan, Founder and CEO of the Khan Academy, and Sabina Bhatia, Deputy Secretary of the IMF, discussing the challenges to our students and our education systems, the value and limitations of virtual learning, and the long-term impact on our societies.
This special Annual Meetings newsletter is available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic. If you would like to receive these updates in another language, click here, enter your email address to access your subscriptions and select the language you prefer.
Looking to plan even further ahead? Click here to access the full schedule of the Annual Meetings.
Your next briefing will be Wednesday Oct 14th, so stay tuned!
IMF 2020 Annual Meetings Team
P.S. Have you read our latest FAQ on the IMF's Response to COVID-19?