HUD Publishes Updated GRRP NOFOs
Owners and Operators,
HUD has published updates to each of the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for Elements, Leading Edge, and Comprehensive. Most notably:
- The eligibility for the Elements cohort has been expanded to properties that have closed or will close on a recapitalization transaction between May 11, 2023 (when GRRP was launched) and July 31, 2024 (the deadline for the Fourth Application Period), but only for a limited selection of eligible investments.
All NOFOs include more clarity on how HUD will manage waiting lists and use funds that become available as awards are withdrawn, revoked, or amended.
- The cap on awards a sponsor can receive has been modified for all NOFOs,
- We have extended the deadlines for the Fourth Application Period for the Leading Edge (May 15, 2024) and Comprehensive (June 12, 2024) cohorts,
Further details on these changes are outlined in the respective NOFOs.
Please use the updated application forms found on the website when submitting your GRRP application – Elements Application, Leading Edge Application, Comprehensive Application.
If you have any questions on these updates, please contact grrp@hud.gov or join us on our weekly office hours on Wednesdays* from 3:00-3:30 PM EST (no registration necessary):https://zoom.us/j/99199273258
Upcoming Application Periods
As a reminder, HUD is continuing to accept applications for the three GRRP cohorts by the following due dates in 2024: