Tenant Education and Outreach Notice of Funding Opportunity Webinar
Dear Owners and Operators,
On July 25, 2023 HUD released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Tenant Education and Outreach (TEO) Program.
If you are interested in the TEO program, please join us for a webinar on the TEO NOFO on October 2nd @ 2pm – 3pm EST.
Participants do not need to register in advance.Ten minutes prior to the start of the webinar, please access the conference page using the link below. Follow the prompts to connect audio by computer or telephone. This will be a Microsoft Teams Live Event - Recorded Webinar. Transcription and Closed Captions will be enabled.
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Any questions can be sent to TEO@hud.gov
About the TEO Program
$10 million of funding will be awarded to one intermediary organization which will make sub-awards local tenant organizations and tenant-affiliated community-based organizations. This funding will support capacity building efforts that enable tenants who live in HUD’s project based rental assistance (PBRA) housing to engage with property managers and help sustain safe, decent, and affordable housing. Under the program, funding can be used for training and technical assistance, as well as establishing and operating local tenant organizations.
The goal of the TEO program is to build the capacity of tenants to be active partners in the preservation of affordable rental housing for low-income persons. The TEO program builds on the successes of previous program models to empower tenants to advocate for their concerns and engage collaboratively with assisted housing providers. The TEO program will assist tenants in their efforts to work productively with property management, hold management accountable for property conditions, improve management and oversight of these multifamily properties, and advocate for the preservation of affordability.
The intermediary organization will not directly participate in advocacy activities but will focus on equipping tenants with skills and knowledge to advocate effectively for themselves. Through grants management support, training and technical assistance, the intermediary will build the capacity of tenant leaders to engage in productive discussions with owners and management agents on matters related to property conditions, preservation of affordability, and other decisions that affect their homes.
Applications must be submitted by October 23, 2023 on Grants.gov at the posting located here. For more information, please visit: Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Opportunities.