SAC NOFOs Modified and Deadline Extensions, NAP Clarification, UDS Office Hour

HRSA Health Center Program Primary Health Care Digest

July 23, 2024

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Modification to Open SAC NOFOs and Deadline Extensions


We recently modified these fiscal year (FY) 2025 Service Area Competition (SAC) Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), updating them to adjust the attachments that are included in the 90-count page limit:

  • HRSA-25-012 – January 1 starts
  • HRSA-25-013 – February 1 starts
  • HRSA-25-014 – March 1 starts
  • HRSA-25-087 – SAC-Additional Area (SAC-AA) for the Rochester, New York, and Harrison, Ohio, service areas

We also extended the submission deadlines for three of these: HRSA-25-012, HRSA-25-013 and HRSA-25-087. The new deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, August 19.  

Find NOFOs and technical assistance (TA) materials on and the SAC TA webpage.

NAP Deadline is Less Than a Month Away

New Access Points (NAP) funding supports new health center service delivery sites that expand primary health care for underserved communities. We plan to make NAP awards in FY 2025, if funding is available. Applications are due in:

  1. by 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, August 15.
  2. HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) by 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, September 30.

Visit the NAP TA webpage to access the NOFO (HRSA-25-085), watch TA webinars, and find resources to help develop your application. We continue to add resources, including Frequently Asked Questions. We have also translated more resources into Spanish (see below).

Clarification for Look-alikes


The NOFO includes two special considerations for Health Center Program look-alikes that propose new sites in their applications. The new Appendix C: Clarification for Look-alike (LAL) Sites clarifies that a new site must meet the NAP eligibility requirements for an application to qualify for the additional five “new site” LAL priority points. It also notes how HRSA will calculate the Unmet Need Score for LAL applicants.

Nuevos recursos en español

Hemos traducido los siguientes recursos de asistencia técnica y están publicados en la página web de NAP.

UDS Office Hours: Using Data/Reports for Quality Improvement

UDS Logo

Join us to learn how to use the latest Uniform Data System (UDS) data reports for program management and quality improvement.

Wednesday, August 14
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Whether you’re new to UDS or looking to refine your expertise, we will provide strategies to optimize UDS data assets to support reporting practices. We will discuss these reports, which are available in EHBs:

  • 2023 UDS Report
  • UDS Summary Report
  • UDS Health Center Trend Report
  • UDS Health Center Performance Comparison Report
  • UDS State and National Rollup Reports

Jump To: Behavioral Health | Hypertension | Workforce | Oral Health | Additional Resources |
              Training Calendar

HRSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs) host or developed many of these events and resources. For more from the NTTAPs, visit the Health Center Resource Clearinghouse.

What's New

DUE TOMORROW: Deadline Extended for FY 2025 Expanded Hours Funding Applications

Due to the issues caused by the Microsoft Windows update last Friday, we’ve extended the deadline for our Expanded Hours funding by one day. Apply in EHBs by 5:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, July 24. View webinar recordings, FAQs, and other application resources on the Expanded Hours TA page.

Considerations for the Implementation of Point of Care Testing for Syphilis


A report (PDF) from the HHS National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic Federal Task Force explores differences between point of care (POC) tests and laboratory-based serologic tests. It also highlights when POC testing may be the best. Visit to learn more.

HHS will hold a webinar on the topic next week:

Wednesday, July 31
Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Using Data to Promote Health Equity

A new report from Capital Link and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council aims to provide practical guidance for Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) health centers. It provides a thorough examination of financial and operational benchmark trends, empowering HCHs to leverage their data resources to effectively address health equity concerns. Visit Capital Link’s site to download.

Improving Maternal Health in Hispanic/Latino Communities

In the second session of HRSA’s Advancing Health Equity among Hispanic/Latino Populations webinar series you’ll learn about:

  • HRSA initiatives and programs.
  • Critical topics such as congenital syphilis, interpersonal/intimate partner violence, and maternal mental health.
  • Resources to improve access and quality of services for mothers and families.

We will present content in Spanish with live interpretation in English.

Wednesday, July 31
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

Thanks for Sending Your Photos!

We appreciate everyone who sent us pictures from National HIV Testing Day! Here are some more great ones (we featured others in our July 9 issue).

HIV Testing Day Collage

Top: Primary Health Care Inc.; True Health; Western Wayne Family Health Centers

Middle: Hi-Desert Memorial Health Care District

Bottom: Affinia Healthcare; Jordan Valley Community Health Center; CCI Health Wellness Services – Cheverly

Webinar Recording: Empowering Communities: The Role of Health Centers in Addressing SDOH and Advancing Health Equity

Capital Link recently held a webinar focused on advancing health equity. View the recording for a discussion of the paths through which social determinants affect health, the history of health centers, and how they can effectively reduce health disparities and promote true health equity among underserved patient populations.

Funding Opportunity: Technology-Enabled Collaborative Learning Program

HRSA’s NOFO invites organizations to evaluate, develop, and expand the use of technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models for health care providers and other professionals to improve retention of health care providers and increase access to health care services. HRSA will award approximately $3.8 million to up to eight new cooperative agreements over a period of five years. Access the NOFO on

Biden-Harris Administration Launching Initiative to Build Multi-state Social Worker Licensure Compact

HRSA announced the first-ever Licensure Portability Grant Program investment in a multi-state social worker licensure compact. Read the press release. State licensure compacts allow states to come together on a common approach to licensing health care providers, allowing providers to practice across state lines without having to apply for a license in each state. Streamlining licensure while maintaining quality standards improves access to services both by better facilitating hiring and by easing pathways to using telehealth.

2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment

The 2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment will take place August 20-23, both virtually and in person at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC. Visit the conference website to see details, including the agenda, or to register by Friday, August 16.

Updated CDC Contraception Guidance

CDC provides evidence-based contraception recommendations for health care providers. They want to talk with those who regularly use these resources ahead of publishing updates. They’ll overview changes and discuss strategies for sharing and implementing the guidance.

Thursday, August 1
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Behavioral Health

Integrating Neuropsychological Screening Within Primary Care Behavioral Health Model of Care

Our webinar will cover the impact negative social drivers of health have on patients’ access to neuropsychology specialty services, the need to increase cognitive screening in primary care, and creation/progression of a neuropsychological assessment clinic at Cherokee Health Systems.

Friday, July 26
1:00-1:30 p.m. ET
Registration page
**0.5 CE is available for behavioral health professionals**

Integration of Behavioral Health and Oral Health Learning Collaborative

The National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA) invites you to a learning collaborative where you’ll gain strategies to implement behavioral screenings in the dental clinic and bi-directional referrals. Visit the application page to apply by Monday, August 5.


Million Hearts Hypertension in Pregnancy Action Forum

Join other clinical, public health, and community-based partners who focus on hypertension management for women during and after pregnancy. Exchange best and promising practices, identify solutions to common obstacles, and share resources. CMS and CDC fund Million Hearts.

Tuesday, August 6
11:00 a.m.-noon ET
Registration page


Webinar Recording: Creating Policies and Processes to Support Workforce Well-being

Speakers at our June 26 webinar walked through key facets of just culture (a concept that promotes open and honest discussion of safety events to support continuous improvement), psychological safety, and tools to improve workforce trust and engagement. If you missed it, watch the recording to gain strategies to build an inclusive workplace, prevent harm and bias, and empower staff to identify inefficiencies and co-design solutions.

Oral Health

Integration of Behavioral Health and Oral Health Learning Collaborative 

See the announcement above.

Updated User's Guide for the Implementation of the Oral Health Core Clinical Competencies

NNOHA User's Guide

NNOHA released the User's Guide for the Implementation of the Oral Health Core Clinical Competencies a decade ago. It highlights strategies to implement HRSA’s competencies integrating oral health and primary care.

The newly published update features new strategies, promising practices, and health center examples. Visit NNOHA’s site to download.

Additional Resources

Not a Monolith: Empowering Latino Health

CDC’s Listen Up! Podcast is for health communication professionals. The latest episode shares an insightful conversation about culture and empowering Latino health, including the importance of family, the use of audience-centered language, and the importance of faith. Visit CDC’s site to listen.

In case you missed it:
Visit the Primary Health Care Digest archive.

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Training Calendar


Visit our online calendar for details on these and all scheduled events.

Through July 30

Designing and Implementing a Successful Workforce Well-being Strategy
Wednesday, July 24
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Leveraging Electronic Health Records to Promote Improved Care, Patient Safety and Privacy
Hosted by Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Thursday, July 25
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Integrating Neuropsychological Screening Within Primary Care Behavioral Health Model of Care
Friday, July 26
1:00-1:30 p.m. ET
Registration page
**0.5 CE is available for behavioral health professionals**

Creating Feedback Processes to Empower Staff
Tuesday, July 30
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page


Considerations for the Implementation of Point of Care Testing for Syphilis
Hosted by HHS
Wednesday, July 31
Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Improving Maternal Health in Hispanic/Latino Communities (in Spanish with live interpretation in English)
Wednesday, July 31
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

Million Hearts Hypertension in Pregnancy Action Forum
Hosted by Million Hearts (CDC)
Tuesday, August 6
11:00 a.m.-noon ET
Registration page

Whole Person Care: Interdisciplinary Medical and Oral Health
Tuesday, August 6
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Health Center Program GeoCare Navigator Live Training
Wednesday, August 7
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Through the Al Lens: Exploring the Impact of Artificial and Augmented Intelligence on Dental Public Health
Hosted by NNOHA
Tuesday, August 13
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

UDS Office Hours: Using Data/Reports for Quality Improvement
Wednesday, August 14
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Webinars are hosted by HRSA unless otherwise noted.