Providers need to consider many factors when offering virtual care. Learn about the different types of telehealth, telehealth technology options, and how to integrate telehealth into your existing practice.
Patient Tip Sheet: 6 Ways to Power Up Your Health with Telehealth
Telehealth is a useful tool that can help patients care for their health or the health of a family member. This tip sheet describes six ways patients can take charge of their own health care or their loved ones by using telehealth.
Preparing Patients for their Telehealth Appointment
Providers can help patients feel confident in joining a telehealth visit by sharing what to expect and how to prepare. Learn more about how to guide patients, protect patients’ privacy, and ensure patients know what medical information to have available.
Webinars and workshops are great tools for users seeking to learn more about telehealth. Visit to view upcoming telehealth events and access registration links.