FEVS Tips Off, New Customer Service Training Webpage, Digest Reader Survey

The Insider from HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care - a weekly newsletter for staff

May 18, 2023

What's New


Get in the Game, Take the FEVS!

The 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is open through Friday, June 30. Make this year a slam dunk by sharing your feedback. Your responses directly shape action plans to improve the workplace. Go to the 2022 FEVS Action Plan Highlights slide show to see an overview of BPHC’s FEVS accomplishments and activities from the 2022 FEVS cycle.

Employees on board on or before November 30, 2022, are eligible to take the survey. You should have received a message on Monday, May 15, from OPM’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey-HE (evhe@opm.gov) with the subject line “2023 OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey” and complete your FEVS. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes, and responses are confidential.

If you are eligible and did not receive a survey link, email evhe@opm.gov. If you need additional help, contact bphcfevs@hrsa.gov, and a member of the BPHC FEVS Team will assist you.

To learn more about the FEVS, including frequently asked questions, prior year survey results, and a list of FEVS Program Managers, visit the HHS FEVS intranet page. HRSA and bureau-specific information is also available on the HRSA FEVS SharePoint page.

Let’s aim high this year! Track BPHC’s FEVS response rate progress.


New Customer Service Training Webpage 

You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about customer experience (CX). HHS added a CX element to our PMAPs, and BPHC launched our CX program last year. Customer service is an important part of CX (see a glossary [PDF] for help distinguishing these related terms).

Check out the Training Team’s new Customer Service Training page on BPHC’s Information and Resources (BIR) website. We partnered with the Training Team to compile a useful list of trainings and activities that can help you expand your thinking about customer service or build your skills.


Improve the Digest 

No, not digestion. Maybe we’ll focus on that in a future Take 5 to Thrive. But for now, we’re talking about the Primary Health Care Digest newsletter (aka, the Digest).

Beginning with next week’s issue, OSBO Communications is running a brief reader survey in the Digest. It will take about five minutes to complete. We’ll use the results to improve that newsletter and other communications.

We need your help to:

  • Promote the survey. Encourage health center staff, and staff that work at organizations that support health centers, to look for and take the survey. If you’re holding a webinar before the end of July, consider downloading and including this slide at the end (includes talking points). NOTE: The survey is intentionally embedded within the Digest itself and is not intended to be distributed in other ways.
  • Take the survey! Yep, we encourage you, and other federal employees, to take the survey. Select “No” for the first question (“Do you work at a health center?”) and then “I am a Federal Employee” for the next question.

The Digest provides timely and relevant information to health centers and the health center network. Survey results will help us better achieve that goal. We expect that the insights we glean will be relevant for all BPHC communications. You can expect to hear more once the survey closes.

The survey will run through July. We’ll announce any extension in the Insider and other places.


How to Improve Your Mental Well-being Through Diet and Nutrition

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, this OQI webinar will provide information on the role of diet and nutrition in promoting mental well-being. You will learn the benefits of eating a healthy diet and the recommended foods and nutrients to prevent depression, reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia, and promote mental well-being.

Wednesday, May 31
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session


Newsletter Deadline Change Next Week  

The newsletter deadline is changed next week ahead of Memorial Day. Instead of noon on Friday, newsletter announcements must be approved in SharePoint by COB Thursday, May 25. We’ll hold submissions received after that deadline for the following issue.

Questions or concerns? Email the Digest or Insider mailbox.


Hooray for YOU!

Although Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) has ended, the celebration of all your hard work continues. See the video from BPHC leaders shown at last week’s All-Hands and read a couple of the BPHC nominations for HHS’ Virtual Star Cards:

Erika Terl, Deputy Director, OPPD’s Strategic Initiatives functional area
Nominated by Marie Legaspi
“Working hard is important. But working kindly is just as important, and you’ve nailed both! Thanks for being such a pleasure to work with.”

OQI’s Quality functional area
Nominated by Jannette Dupuy and Larry Horlamus
“For the thoughtful and intentional collaborations internally and externally in the effort of providing the best clinical quality technical assistance for the Health Center Program!”

See more recognitions:


HRSA Spotlights BPHC’s Rachel Holmes

Read this week’s HRSA Weekly profile on Rachel Holmes, OHCIO’s Investment Oversight Advisor. She was also featured in the Insider’s March 30 Getting to Know You column.

NIH Sign-in for SharePoint

Many HRSA SharePoint sites have migrated, or are migrating, to SharePoint Online. For example, the sites for HRSA’s Offices of Information Technology, Communications, and Human Resources have all migrated.

If you try to access an old URL, you will see this message indicating that the site migrated:


Click on the blue NAVIGATE TO THE NEW SP SITE button. You will either arrive at the new site or see an NIH sign-in page like this one:


Click on your email address to proceed to SharePoint Online.

If you accessed the site via a bookmark, be sure to delete the old bookmark and save a new one.  


Getting to Know Oksana Cobb

Editor’s note: We’ve refreshed our list of Getting to Know You questions. Interested in participating in a Getting to Know You column for the first or second time? Take a look at the revised questions to see what's involved and check out our Getting to Know BPHC Staff page.

Meet Oksana Cobb, Senior Advisor, Office of Director, OQI:


When did you join the Bureau of Primary Health Care? How does your current role contribute to the Health Center Program?
April 2023.

I support OQI in projects and initiatives to expand health center capacity, activate and accelerate innovation, and foster data driven decision-making and improvement across the Health Center Program. I also develop strategic partnerships and collaboration to advance health centers.

What is one thing your co-workers would be surprised to learn about you, for example, a hidden talent?
I am a nail artist with over 6,000 followers on Instagram.

Where did you grow up and what do you like best about your hometown?
I was born in Odessa, southern Ukraine, a city located on the Black Sea shore with beautiful beaches and lots of green parks. After my parents moved, I loved visiting my uncle almost every summer and spending time in a summer camp there.

However, for many years I resided in Cherkasy, central Ukraine, especially during my school years. I absolutely loved the vibe of camaraderie in my community, and I am so thankful for the support of my parents, family, and friends during my time there.

Learn more about Oksana, and email BPHC Insider to submit your name for a future Getting to Know.

HRSA Happenings


TODAY: Virtual Townhall: Behavioral Health in the Aftermath of COVID-19

The Office of Special Health Initiatives is hosting the second quarterly HRSA Behavioral Health Virtual Townhall on “Behavioral Health in the Aftermath of COVID-19.” It is open to all HRSA staff. Assistant Surgeon General RDML Krista Pedley will give opening remarks. The panel of presenters include:

  • Christina Borba, NIH Director of Office of Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity
  • Collene Lawhorn, National Institute of Mental Health, COVID and Mental Health Impact Lead, Division of Translational Research
  • Cheryl Donald, HRSA Regional Administrator, Region 2 Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs

You will learn about:

  • The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on behavioral health.
  • How the pandemic impacted behavioral health disparities.
  • HHS initiatives that focus on behavioral health and lessons learned from the pandemic.

1:30-2:30 p.m. ET
Registration page


TODAY: Succeed at Work —  Health & Well-Being in the Workplace

Discover how to enhance your health, well-being, and productivity by relieving stress with simple relaxation techniques. Explore ergonomics, work-life balance, how to establish priorities, and the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise.

1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page


Anxiety: Beyond Worry 

Learn the difference between anxiety and worry, and how to reduce anxiety levels. Attend in-person or virtually.

Tuesday, May 23
Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
5600 Conference Room 5E49
Registration page


Confident Parenting: Adolescence at Risk

Parents will learn about the factors that contribute to at-risk behavior in adolescents and discover hands-on parenting approaches for prevention. The discussion includes proactive, positive parenting coping tips, and offers resources for further assistance.

Wednesday, May 24
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page


Memorial Day Observance

Join the Veterans Council for HRSA's virtual Memorial Day observance.

Thursday, May 25
2:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Month Event Features BPHC Staff 

On Wednesday, May 10, the Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Employee Resource Group (ERG) officers (Julie Vu, OHR; Marylen Rimando, BPHC; Mao Yang, MCHB) held a hybrid event for AANHPI Heritage month. The event featured opening remarks from Nisha Patel, Senior Advisor, IOA, and a panel moderated by Gem Daus, OHE.

Panelists discussed the influence of culture and family, their career paths, career advice, and mentoring. The speakers were Gemma Button, Director, Executive Secretariat, OO; Christy Choi, Deputy Director, OC; Sue Lin, Acting Director, OQI. The event included over 70 attendees, delicious food, and networking opportunities for attendees across HRSA bureaus and offices. 

See more photos and excerpts from the presentations in an article on HRSA’s intranet.


Marylen Rimando (ERG vice-president) speaking. Panelists from left to right: Gem Daus, Gemma Button, Christy Choi, Sue Lin.

(Photo by Whitney Gray, OSBO/Communications Division)

Staffing Updates


Both effective Sunday, May 21.

  • Taylor Rice, Pathway Student Trainee, departing from OHCPM.
  • Tammera Woods, Lead Administrative Officer, departing from DWM and transferring to the Department of Commerce.


BPHC Job Announcement

For other jobs at HRSA, visit USAJOBS.

For other detail opportunities, go to the Detail and Deployment Opportunities SharePoint page.

DWM Important Updates and Reminders


Help Needed: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accountability Survey Follow-up

Join members of the HRSA community in providing feedback around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA). All BPHC staff are encouraged to participate via focus groups or individual interviews. An email to register was sent Friday, May 12, from hrsa_deia_assessment
, and may have gone to your Junk folder in Outlook. Spaces are limited so register today! 


Save the Date: BPHC Picnic

BPHC will be hosting a bureau-wide picnic on Tuesday, September 12, at Meadowbrook Park! Mark your calendars and we will provide more information soon!


HHS Call to Service Awards Now Being Accepted

Nominations are now open for the HHS Call to Service (CTS) Award. They must be received by BPHCRecognition@hrsa.gov no later than close of business, Wednesday, June 7. This award consists of two levels of recognition:

  • Part of Something Bigger Award (HRSA-level)
  • Mary Brodie-Henderson Call to Service Award (Department-level)

The Part of Something Bigger Award recognizes HRSA employees who responded to the call to service in a volunteer capacity, generously giving their time and themselves. Winners of this award will be eligible for nomination by the HRSA Honor Awards Board to compete for the Mary Brodie-Henderson Call to Service Award.

If you have any questions or need more information, contact BPHCRecognition@hrsa.gov.


DWM Accepting Nominations for Staff Recognition Awards

This is an opportunity to recognize staff (including yourself!) for their hard work and contributions throughout fiscal year (FY) 2023 with either a cash or time-off award.

  • Bargaining Unit Eligible (BUE) Round 2 incentive award nominations: Must be submitted to your supervisor (not to the supervisor of the nominee) by Friday, May 26, and submitted to DWM using the BPHC Awards Workflow no later than Friday, June 2.

    Per the HRSA Broadcast message on Monday, May 1, this is the second and final call for staff (including self-nomination), peers, and supervisors to submit award nominations for BUE staff. Achievement recognized may occur anytime in fiscal year 2023.
  • Non-Bargaining Unit incentive awards and all time-off award nominations: Deadline is Friday, July 21. Offices should review all award narratives and recommended amounts, ensuring that awards include key details, specific actions taken, and outcomes achieved.

HRSA has updated the nomination forms, which allow for electronic signatures. They are posted on the BPHC Awards Site. All awards must be submitted via the BPHC Awards Workflow.

If you have any questions, contact BPHCRecognition@hrsa.gov.


Congratulations to the BUE Round 1 Incentive Award Winners!

The first round of BUE incentive awards have been selected! Awards are being processed now and will be in employees’ Leave and Earnings Statement no later than Wednesday, June 7. Time-off hours will be entered in ITAS automatically; no further action is necessary. If you have questions, contact your supervisor. Congratulations to all on your accomplishments!

Training & Staff Development


TODAY: Want to Boost Your Facilitation Skills?

Join us for the next BPHC Influencer Community of Practice session to enhance your skills as a facilitator. You will learn techniques to build consensus, solicit the unique contributions of all participants, and foster action. The session features interactive classroom instruction and practical opportunities to facilitate a specified leadership topic.

1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register in the Learning Management System

Learn more about the BPHC Influencer Community of Practice.


Policy Tip

Did You Know?

A health center should submit a Change in Scope (CIS) request at least 60 days before the health center plans to implement the change.

To learn more about this topic, and to find answers to other questions, check out the Health Center Program Compliance FAQs.

better tech for better health

Systems Corner

Help Our Customers Keep Their Access to HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks

Beginning Friday, May 26, health centers and others outside of HRSA will have to use Login.gov to access HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). That site employs two-factor authentication, which creates an extra layer of security beyond just a username and password.

Get the word out as you have conversations with customers. Share these important points:

  • If they have a Login.gov account with the same email address they use to access EHBs, they do not need a new account.
  • If they have a Login.gov account that uses a different email address than what they use for EHBs, they will need to create a new account using the same email they use for EHBs.
  • If they do not have a Login.gov account, they must create one to ensure continued access. They must use the same email address they use to access EHBs.

See HRSA's instructions webpage for setting up and verifying a Login.gov account.


BHCMIS Training

In Case You Missed It


A Round-Up of Previously Announced Items

  • Access the slides and the recording for the May 11 BPHC All-Hands in the webcast archives.
  • Read about OHCIO’s Take Your Child to Work Day celebration in last week’s Insider and visit the album on SharePoint to see all the BPHC parent-child uploaded pictures.
  • At the recommendation of subject matter experts and with the approval of leadership across the bureau, we will now use the term “medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)” instead of “medication-assisted treatment (MAT).” For more information, see last week’s Insider. For up-to-date guidance on terminology and usage, remember to consult the BPHC Style Guide(PDF).
  • Submit nominations by Wednesday, May 31, for the 2023 Dr. Howard K. Koh Award for Excellence in Leadership at HHS and the 2023 Dr. Francisco S. Sy Award for Excellence in Mentorship at HHS. For more information, see last week’s Insider.
  • Learn about the new MS Teams Room feature for HRSA’s larger conference rooms at 5600 Fishers Lane at one of the weekly walk-up training sessions (PDF) in 12SWH01 or in the MS Teams Room FAQ (PDF).

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