Updated Site Visit Protocol, PCHP Community

HRSA Health Center Program Primary Health Care Digest

April 18, 2023

Site Visit Protocol

Updated Health Center Program Site Visit Protocol

HRSA uses the Health Center Program Site Visit Protocol (SVP) to assess compliance with Health Center Program requirements for all Operational Site Visits and Look-Alike Initial Designation Site Visits.

We updated the SVP on Thursday, April 13. The updates focus primarily on plain language-related edits to make the material clearer and easier to read and understand. These edits provide clarity, but do NOT change the actual conduct of site visits or the meaning. There is one substantive change to align with Calendar Year 2024 Requirements for Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) Coverage for Health Centers and Their Covered Individuals (PDF), related to risk management and obstetrical training requirements.

If you have questions about the SVP updates, submit them to the BPHC Contact Form (Policy > Site Visit Protocol General Inquiry).

PCHP Discussion Boards

Primary Care HIV Prevention Community

The Health Center Program Community (HCPC) is an online platform for participants in specific BPHC programs to get timely updates, interact with other health centers, and access training and technical assistance resources. It began in 2021 as a place for COVID-19 Response Program participants to receive updates and discuss challenges and promising practices.

Now we’ve launched a new community within the platform for health centers that received Ending the HIV Epidemic – Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) supplemental funding. The PCHP Community is a place where award recipients can exchange ideas, experiences, and resources related to implementing and sustaining HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services.

If your health center is a PCHP award recipient, visit the PCHP Community. Those who have accessed the HCPC for other work (like the COVID-19 Response Programs) will use their existing login. Navigate from the HCPC home page to the PCHP page by selecting Funding > PCHP > Home. If you do not have a login, click “Request Access,” and walk through the steps to request one.

Whittier Mobile Van

Health Centers Share Telehealth, Staff Development and Community Outreach Successes

Visit our Health Center Stories webpage to read these new stories (or to submit your own!):

  • Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI), in Connecticut rolled out a virtual behavioral health tool that helps track patient progress. It is popular with staff and patients alike – especially teenage patients.

  • Cahaba Medical Care in Alabama attracts and keeps professionals through an elaborate training program that includes employees at both rural and urban sites.

  • Doctors from the Jericho Road Community Health Center in Buffalo trudged through feet of snow during a blizzard to make a special house call: they helped to deliver a newborn baby on Christmas day.

  • In Boston’s Roxbury section, the Whittier Street Health Center offers mental health screenings in mobile vans that visit churches, schools, public housing developments, and other sites.

If you have a success story to share, email HRSA Health Center Stories. We are especially interested in stories about maternal health, rural health, and workforce well-being.

Jump To: COVID-19 | Behavioral Health | Workforce | Additional Resources

HRSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs) host or developed many of these events and resources. For more from the NTTAPs, visit the Health Center Resource Clearinghouse.

What's New

Policy Tip: Required and Additional Health Services

At BPHC, we’re doing our best to get you the information you need. This is a weekly series of tips to clarify Health Center Program policy. We select topics for this feature based on your input.

Policy Did You Know

Contracts/agreements and referral arrangements for enabling services do not need to include the same provisions as contracts/agreements or referral arrangements for clinical services, such as documentation in the patient record or follow-up care. Learn more and find answers to other questions on HRSA’s Health Center Program Compliance FAQs webpage.

Enrolling a New FQHC Site in Medicare

Last week, we talked about Medicare revalidation for FQHC sites, which is required every five years, and shared tools and guidance. If you missed it, see the article.

If you are enrolling a new FQHC site (i.e., when a new service site is approved by HRSA through the change in scope process or through a funded application), you must provide the Notice of Award or Notice of Look-alike Designation that documents approval for the new site. Unlike with revalidation, when you are enrolling a new site you cannot use the health center’s Form 5B: Service Sites list downloaded from HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). You must complete the initial enrollment process with CMS. For more information, see CMS’ Become a Medicare Provider or Supplier website.

Act Now to Ensure Continued Access to EHBs

Beginning Friday, May 26, you will have to use Login.gov to access EHBs. That site employs two-factor authentication, which creates an extra layer of security beyond just a username and password.

  • If you have an existing Login.gov account with the same email address you use in EHBs, you do not need to create a new account.
  • If you have an existing Login.gov account with a different email address than what you use for EHBs, you will need to create a new account using the email you use for EHBs.
  • If you do not have an account on Login.gov, create one now to ensure continued access. Be sure to use the same email address that you use to access EHBs.

See HRSA's instructions webpage for setting up and verifying a Login.gov account.

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday

Visit the Department of Justice’s Take Back Day website for resources to promote this event in your community. Our March 24 bulletin includes other resources.


HHS COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide

Last week, we shared updated CDC guidance in a bulletin. See the bulletin if you missed it.

Health Partner Order Portal Updates Delayed

If you order COVID-19-related products through HRSA’s COVID-19 Response Programs, the planned update of the Health Partner Order Portal (HPoP) is delayed. See messages in the HCPC for more information.

New Point-of-Care Test Available Soon Through HRSA

Beginning Wednesday, April 19, health centers participating in HRSA’s COVID-19 Testing Supply Program will be able to order the Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card test in HPoP. Health centers can order a minimum of 15 units but are not to exceed 50 units.

This product is used to test only SARS-CoV-2 through a dual nasal swab. These FDA resources provide more information:

The manufacturer’s website also provides information.

If you are not currently participating in the HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program and would like to begin ordering the Abbott BinaxNOW, at-home self-test kits, and/or Cepheid Xpert Xpress cartridges, submit a request via the BPHC Contact Form.

I Got My COVID-19 Vaccine

Recording Available: Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination Award: Working with Community Partners to Address Vaccine Equity

Our April 5 webinar provided Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination (ECV) funding award recipients an opportunity to hear about collaborations increase vaccine uptake among underserved populations. Watch the recording if you missed it.

As a reminder: If your health center received ECV funding, HRSA expects you to use the funds within three months to increase access to, confidence in, and demand for updated COVID-19 vaccines. However, we will consider a period of performance extension in increments of one to six months. See the March 28 Digest for details.

Behavioral Health

Integrating Behavioral Health Care into Clinical Workflow

Join to see how your health center can apply lessons learned in developing an integrated care workflow, describe the roles of key team players in integrated care, and understand how issues with role clarity may impact successful workflow design.

Wednesday, May 10
2:30-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Community of Practice: Behavioral Health Integration Skills and Practices for Health Centers

Over a series of eight 1.5-hour sessions, participants will learn about the most promising practices for effective integrated behavioral health care in primary care settings. Visit the registration page for dates and times.

Coordinating Care and Safety for Patients Experiencing IPV at the Intersection of Mental and Behavioral Health

Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation and the HHS-funded National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health invite you to examine the intersections of intimate partner violence (IPV) and exploitation, mental and behavioral health, and substance use coercion. You will hear from a panel of survivors and gain strategies on assessing for abuse and coercion. Visit the registration page to apply by midnight, Friday, April 21.

SAMHSA Alert about Xylazine

In a Dear Colleague letter (PDF), SAMHSA shares information about xylazine – a non-opioid agent increasingly being found in combination with opioids such as fentanyl. Xylazine has not been approved by the FDA for use in humans and can cause devastating medical problems. Because it’s not an opioid, naloxone does not reverse its effects.

Substance Use Prevention Services in Primary Care Challenge Competition

Through a new challenge, NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse seeks creative, visionary, and actionable plans to implement substance use prevention interventions in primary care. Learn more or submit your plan by Friday, May 19, by visiting the challenge webpage on Challenge.gov.


Register for the Region 6 Workforce Workshop

HRSA is hosting Regional Workforce Workshops for Primary Care Associations (PCAs) and health centers. Registration is open for the Region 6 workshop, which takes place on Tuesday, April 25. See BHW’s recent bulletin for information and to register. We will share date and registration information for other regions in the coming months.

National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program Applications

The 2023 National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program application cycle is open. Providers serve at least two years at NHSC-approved sites in underserved communities. Funding is available for up to four years. Apply by Thursday, April 27, on HRSA’s webpage.

Integrating Behavioral Health Care into Clinical Workflow

See the announcement above.

Virtual 2023 Biennial Workforce Summit

The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved’s (ACU's) STAR2 Center, and the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) will host this opportunity for health centers, Health Center Controlled Networks, and PCAs. Share and elevate best practices in addressing workforce challenges and needs. Participants are eligible to receive CE credits. Visit the registration page.

NTTAP Learning Collaboratives

Visit the registration pages for dates, times, and more information:

  • House Asset Mapping
    Interested in learning more about housing and the homeless response system in your community? Join this Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) opportunity to learn what resources are available to you and your patients, how to navigate the housing system, and about best practices in health and housing partnerships. Registration page.

  • Coordinating Care and Safety for Patients Experiencing IPV at the Intersection of Mental and Behavioral Health
    See the announcement above.

Additional Resources

AgWorker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health

Join the Farmworker Health Network (FHN, a group of six HRSA-funded NTTAPs) to hear about the most relevant current agricultural worker policy issues and explore effective service delivery models. Presenters will also highlight training and technical assistance opportunities and share resources and promising practices.

Tuesday, May 23
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Equitable Diabetes Prevention: Keys to Success from a Pacific Islander Community

A blog post from the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) and the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations supplements a related podcast episode. Both focus on the rollout of a Pacific Islander Diabetes Prevention Program and the positive outcomes of providing a tailored prevention program.

In case you missed it:
Visit the Primary Health Care Digest archive.

Do you forward the Digest to others?
Encourage them to subscribe.

Training & Technical Assistance


Visit the training calendar to learn details or register for events.

Through April 25

Celebration of SDOH Innovation Webinar Series
Hosted by multiple NTTAPs
Tuesday, April 18
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Beyond the Bar Chart: Blending Data and Storytelling
Session 1 in the Learning to Love Your Data: Health Center Data for Everyone Webinar Series
Hosted by the Health Information Technology, Evaluation, and Quality (HITEQ) Center
Tuesday, April 18
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

How the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Will Impact Residents of HUD-Assisted Housing
Hosted by the National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH)
Wednesday, April 19
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Innovations in Mobile Health to Increase Health Access for Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Survivors (with live interpretation in ASL and Spanish)
Hosted by Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Wednesday, April 19
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Utilizing Community Health Workers for SDOH Screening and Housing Navigation
Hosted by the CSH
Wednesday, April 19
3:00-4:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

HRSA Virtual Job Fair
Wednesday, April 19
6:00-9:30 p.m. ET
Job seeker registration

Community-Centered Approaches to Racial and Social Justice: Change from the Outside In With CCHH
Hosted by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Thursday, April 20
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Preparing Mental Health Leaders
Hosted by ACU
Monday, April 24
4:00-5:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

COVID-19 Response Program Office Hours
Tuesday, April 25
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Screening for Public Housing Community-specific Safe Sleep Risks
Hosted by NCHPH
Tuesday, April 25
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

The Federal Telehealth Policy Landscape After the PHE: What’s Staying (For Now) and What’s Going
Hosted by the HITEQ Center
Tuesday, April 25
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Exploring Promising Practices on Diabetes Management and Prevention
Hosted by NCHPH
Tuesday, April 25
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Registration page


Effective Referrals in Integrated Care
Wednesday, April 26
11:00 a.m.-noon ET 
Registration page
**1.0 CE available**

Strategies to Support Survivors Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence or Exploitation and How to Promote Prevention (in Spanish with live interpretation in English)
Hosted by Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Wednesday, April 26
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

Traditional Food, Culture, and Diabetes in the U.S.
Hosted by NCHPH
Wednesday, April 26
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Eyes on Access: Billing for Vision Services
Hosted by NACHC
Thursday, April 27
3:00-4:30 p.m. ET
Registration page
Note: There will be follow-up office hours on Thursday, May 18.

Training the Next Generation
Hosted by CHCI and Northwest Regional PCA
Thursday, April 27
3:30-4:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

Diabetes 101 (in Spanish with live English interpretation)
Hosted by the National Center for Farmworker Health
Tuesday, May 2
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Screening for Safe Infant Sleep Habits in Public Housing
Hosted by NCHPH
Wednesday, May 3
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Placing Lived Expertise at the Center of Diabetes Prevention
Hosted by CSH
Wednesday, May 3
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Today with Macrae: Health Center Program Updates
Thursday, May 4
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Join the day of the session
Join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 161 554 9350

Academic Partnerships to Foster Multidirectional Learning and Reinforce our Health Center Workforce
Hosted by NCHPH
Tuesday, May 9
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Integrating Behavioral Health Care into Clinical Workflow
Wednesday, May 10
2:30-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Infection Prevention and Control for Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants
Hosted by the National Network for Oral Health Access
Wednesday, May 10
3:00-4:30 p.m. ET
Registration page
**1.5 CDE available**

UDS Mapper Advanced Topic: Food Insecurity and Opportunities for Health Centers
Tuesday, May 16
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Registration page

Cybersecurity for Health Centers
Hosted by NACHC
Tuesday, May 16
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Registration page

Webinars are hosted by HRSA unless otherwise noted.