Take Your FEVS Soon, OPPD Lateral Reassignment Opportunity, TWM, and More!

A Newsletter from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

BPHC Insider Masthead

July 14, 2022

What's New


REMINDER: Take Your FEVS. It Closes Next Week!
Your opinion matters! The 2022 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which is open through Friday, July 22, will affect HRSA’s ranking next year in the Partnership for Public Service’s Best Places to Work in the Federal Government list. Watch this video to learn why FEVS is important to HHS leaders.

We want to hear your perspective! For example, the survey asks for your feedback on:

  • My supervisor supports my need to balance work and other life issues.
  • My organization’s management practices promote diversity.

How diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible is BPHC? This year’s FEVS includes new diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) questions. The confidential FEVS survey will help BPHC learn more about how staff are feeling about DEIA, and areas where we can improve.

For information about accessing your FEVS survey link or tracking BPHC’s response rate progress, visit the FEVS Response Rates SharePoint page. For other FEVS questions, contact Naphatarra Pankey.


OPPD Lateral Reassignment Opportunity
If you missed it, read Monday’s staff bulletin announcing an OPPD lateral reassignment opportunity. The bulletin explains potential duties, required skills, and eligibility requirements. If you are interested in being considered, email your résumé and cover letter to BPHCJobopportunity@hrsa.gov no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, July 25.

New and Improved

New EHBs Enhancement Strengthens Progress Report Oversight and Monitoring
BPHC progress report reviewers can now send the Enhanced Monitoring Needed (EMN) task to Program Quality Control (PQC) reviewers for a secondary quality review in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). While the PQC review is an optional feature within EHBs, Investment Oversight Advisors are required to send their completed EMN task to their assigned PQC for specific progress reports (COVID-19 and ARP H8F/L2C). To determine whether PQC review (secondary quality review) is required, refer to the specific award SOP. Watch the recent PQC EMN training webinar to learn the PQC review system steps and content review requirements.

UDS Logo

UDS Modernization Staff Toolkit
Are you getting questions from health centers and stakeholders about the Uniform Data System (UDS) Modernization Initiative and UDS Patient-Level Submission (UDS+)? Or perhaps you want to learn more about this important BPHC data transformation initiative?

The new UDS Modernization Staff Toolkit on the UDS Data Resources SharePoint page has resources that can help! Materials include:

  • A quick reference guide with an overview of UDS+.
  • Cleared slides and talking points you can use in presentations and meetings.
  • A webinar recording and slides to learn more about Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. 

OQI will continue to update this staff toolkit as more information becomes available. Want more information about the toolkit? Email Jasmine Agostino or Samantha Cinnick.

Today With Macrae

TODAY: Today with Macrae
Join us to hear about program updates and our efforts to enhance the experience of our grantees and other stakeholders as they engage with BPHC, as well as other subjects.

2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Join the session
If you prefer to join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 161 860 7037

You can find recordings and presentation slides from 2018 to the present in the webcast archives.

Ice Cream Social Returns to 5600 Fishers Lane
For the first time since 2019, the 5600 Fishers Lane lessor hosted an ice cream social on Wednesday, July 6, to show appreciation to building tenants. Staff working in the building that day had the opportunity to create sundaes with a variety of flavors and toppings.

"Life is like an ice cream cone…you have to learn to lick it!" — Charles M. Schulz

Ice Cream Social Collage

Staffing Updates


  • Derek Wilkinson, Social Scientist, OHCIO, departure from federal service, Friday, July 8.

Career Opportunity

BPHC is recruiting for a second Deputy Associate Administrator position through the following two announcements:

Associate Administrator Jim Macrae will host a job informational session for the second Deputy Associate Administrator position later this month:

Wednesday, July 27
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Join the day of the session
If you prefer to join by phone: 833-568-8864
Webinar ID: 160 996 7173

Kathrene Stohlman

Getting to Know: Kathrene Stohlman
Meet Kathrene Stohlman, Lead Administrative Officer, Division of Workforce Management, OAA:

Before working at BPHC, the most unusual or interesting job I ever had: The most interesting and the most challenging job was teaching English at a primary school on a small island in Tonga.

Proudest accomplishment: Qualifying for the Boston Marathon, which was a dream since childhood.

My hidden talent: I love world geography and have memorized every country, capital, and flag of the world.

Learn more about Kathrene, and email BPHC Insider to submit your name for a future Getting to Know.

DWM Important Updates and Reminders

Review and Update Your Information in the Global Address List/Active Directory
Has your contact information changed? If so, please update your active directory information (global address list) via the HRSA self-service employee information update feature. If you have difficulties accessing the global address list in Microsoft Edge, try using Google Chrome as your browser. See the instructions with screenshots or follow these quick steps:

  1. Go to https://adm.nih.gov/.
  2. Enter your email address or HRSA\username (e.g. HRSA\jdoe), and your network password. Then click OK.
  3. Select the HRSA Self Service link.
  4. Select the User Profile Editor link.
  5. Review your information and make any necessary changes, including updating the name of your bureau and position, and click the Save button on each tab for the changes to take effect.
  6. Once you have finished making changes, click your name in the top right corner and select Logout.

Changes take approximately 20 minutes to appear in the Outlook global address list. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk online or call 301-496-4357.

DUE TOMORROW: Last Call for Staff Recognition Award Nominations
All nominations are due to DWM via the BPHC Awards Workflow no later than Friday, July 15. Forms and more information can be found on the BPHC Cash & Time-Off Awards SharePoint site. Questions? Contact BPHCRecognition@hrsa.gov.

HRSA Happenings

Juneteenth Flag

Recording Available: Juneteenth and Men’s Health Month Observance
Watch HRSA’s inaugural Juneteenth celebration, co-hosted by Black Leaders Advancing Quality, Unity and Equity (BLAQUE) with the Office of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion.

Training & Staff Development


DUE SOON: HRSA 2022 Cybersecurity Awareness Training
All federal employees and contractors are now enrolled in the mandatory cybersecurity awareness training and must complete it by Tuesday, August 2. Log in to your LMS account using the Google Chrome browser and locate the training under “Current Learning.”

WARNING: If you fail to complete this training by the deadline, your network account/email will be locked starting Wednesday, August 3!

Systems Corner

Systems Training
Registration is required due to limited seating and closes 48 hours prior to the start date. Search the LMS for this course.


  • BPHC BHCMIS STAR Form Flagging
    Wednesday, July 20
    10:00 a.m.-noon ET

BHCMIS Training


In Case You Missed It

A Round-Up of Previously Announced Items

Quick Links