All-Programs Resources, Funding Opportunities, and More! HRSA PHC Digest

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May 29, 2018


All-Programs Resources
Thank you to those who participated in last week’s All-Programs webcast. For those who missed it, we will include a link to the recording in the next Digest.

Here are some resources mentioned during the webcast:

OMB 2018 Compliance Supplement
On a regular basis, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issues a Compliance Supplement, a guide for auditing federal grant recipients, which outlines requirements and prohibitions for each federal grant program and which serves as a supplement to the single audit guide used by independent auditors. OMB released the 2018 Compliance Supplement on Friday, May 18. The Health Center Program Compliance Supplement includes procedures auditors use to review compliance with legislative mandates that limit the use of funds on HRSA awards.

Not all health centers undergo an annual independent audit that includes the Health Center Program Compliance Supplement. Some health centers fall below the $750,000 threshold in annual federal expenditures and thus are not required to receive an annual audit. Other health centers that expend $750,000 or more annually in federal funds may undergo an annual audit, but the Health Center Program was not considered a major program by the independent auditor and therefore did not include the review via the Health Center Program Compliance Supplement.

In order to ensure that all health centers policies and procedures adequately incorporate HHS legislative mandates in HRSA Grants Policy Bulletin 2018-04 that limit the use of funds on HRSA awards, HRSA will conduct a Financial Management Review of health centers that either do not receive an annual audit or their annual audit did not include the Health Center Program Compliance Supplement.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HRSA’s Office of Federal Assistance Management.

What's New

New Supplemental Funding Opportunity Will Support Behavioral Health Workforce Training
In September, HRSA expects to award supplemental funding to health centers that have an established partnership with organizations that are awarded through the fiscal year (FY) 2018 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program (HRSA-18-112). Up to 50 health centers are expected to receive $200,000 per year for two years to increase access to quality opioid use disorder and other substance use disorder treatment through behavioral health professional and paraprofessional training.

For health centers to be considered for this funding, a memorandum of agreement or understanding must be signed by the health center and included in the partnering organization’s application to HRSA-18-112 by Friday, July 6.

Health centers can access additional information, including a list of eligible BHWET applicants, on the FY 2018 Enhancing Behavioral Health Workforce Supplemental Funding Opportunity for Health Centers Technical Assistance website. 

School-Based Health Center Capital Funding (HRSA-19-073) EHBs Deadline Reminder
Applications for the School-Based Health Center Capital funding opportunity (HRSA-19-073) are due in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) by 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, May 31. Applicant resources are available on the SBHCC technical assistance website.

See the New BPHC Helpline Contact Form
You should use the BPHC Helpline Contact form on HRSA’s website for general questions (contact your designated BPHC representative with questions specific to your grant or designation). The updated form, which we expect to release next week, will ask for verification of your contact information the first time you use it. The updated form will ask for your name and email (see below). The next few screens will ask you to verify or enter your contact information. Stay tuned to the Digest for more details.

BPHC Contact Form

New! EHBs Diabetes Action Plan – Helpful Tips for Health Centers
The EHBs Diabetes Action Plan is a shared tracking tool for health centers and Project Officers. A new user guide illustrates the key steps to review, monitor, and resolve the Action Plan.

As a part of the HRSA Health Center Program Diabetes Quality Improvement Initiative and consistent with the Site Visit Protocol, 2018 operational site visits include action planning relating to the Uniform Data System (UDS) diabetes measure. Other health centers may also be selected to receive performance improvement site visits focused on diabetes. Watch a video to learn more.

Important Notices Regarding
Entities registered in should log in and review their registration information, particularly their financial information. Read FAQs from the General Services Administration.

Organizations renewing or registering in for the first time are now required to submit an original, signed notarized letter identifying the authorized Entity Administrator for the entity associated with the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number before renewals or registrations can be activated. See the instructions for domestic entities. This requirement was instituted for renewals on April 27.


Increasing Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Testing, Treatment, and Cure
Throughout Hepatitis Awareness Month we shared resources to help health centers increase testing and treatment of people with HCV infection, including those with HIV/HCV coinfection. Here are some of those resources again, along with some additional tools, all in one place:

Hepatitis Awareness Month

HRSA resources for HCV screening and treatment:

Also, for screening:

  • CDC HCV testing algorithm – A simple blood test followed by a confirmatory test (often done by reflex) can detect HCV infection years before symptoms develop and be the starting point for patients receiving curative treatment.

Archived webinars featuring health centers sharing their HCV-related promising practices (March through May):

2018 UDS Changes Webinar Recording is Now Available
A recent HRSA webinar provided an overview of recent and upcoming UDS changes. We summarized the approved changes for 2018 UDS (for reports submitted by February 15, 2019) and shared possible changes for 2019 UDS, including revised clinical measures resulting from continued alignment with electronic specified clinical quality measures. Watch the webinar recording

Addressing Risk through Systems Thinking and Design: Strategies for Accredited Health Centers
The Joint Commission presents a webinar highlighting the challenges observed with the key system-wide functional areas in health centers. Participants will learn methods and models to improve the level of performance of each accreditation chapter, with the goal of eliminating organizational-specific risks that may impact the delivery of safe, quality care.

Thursday, June 7
12:30-2:00 p.m. ET
Join the webinar the day of the session
For audio only:
Call-in: 877-271-1828
Passcode: 357356

Health Care Strategies for the Justice-Involved Population
HRSA is hosting a town hall webinar to highlight work done at the local and state levels to meet the needs of this vulnerable group and examine the medical, operational, and policy implications for health centers working with this population.

Thursday, June 7
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Join the webinar the day of the session
Call-in: 844-616-0064
Passcode: 306975

School-Based Telehealth Networks: Lessons from the Field
HRSA’s Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center offers a webinar featuring experts that have developed telehealth-enabled school health centers in rural communities. These health centers provide telehealth services for rural children that focus on asthma, obesity reduction and prevention, behavioral health, diabetes, and oral health. Hear about the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from their HRSA-supported telehealth network grant project.

Thursday, June 21
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

This webinar is part of HRSA’s Telehealth Learning Webinar Series. The series’ goal is to highlight successful projects/best practices as well as resources to promote and further the use of telehealth technologies for health care delivery, education, and health information services. For more information, contact Carlos Mena.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Technical assistance opportunities from the SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS):

  • Addressing Substance Use in AIMS Awardee Settings, Part 1: Addressing Opioids in Integrated Care
    CIHS is hosting a webinar featuring subject matter experts in substance use disorder from Case Western University and Coal Country Community Health Center. This webinar will cover a variety of relevant topics, including: the development of opioid use disorder screening and assessment protocols, motivational interviewing techniques, implementing medication assisted treatment (MAT) services, and workforce training and retention.

    Wednesday, May 30
    2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
    Register here

  • Suicide Prevention in Rural Populations Roundtable Discussion for Health Centers
    CIHS is hosting an interactive roundtable discussion on suicide screening and prevention tools and the management of suicide risk, with a special focus on rural populations. Joining the discussion will be expert from the field, Adam Chu, Senior Project Associate from the nationally recognized Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

    Tuesday, June 5
    1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
    Register here

Workshop Series: DIT (Do It Together) Strengthening Connections to Housing Resources
The Corporation for Supportive Housing, a HRSA-funded NCA, is hosting a series of open calls with Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks to explore, critique, and design a range of training resources to build quality health and housing partnerships.

Thursday, June 14
12:00-1:15 p.m. ET
Register here

In case you missed it:
read last week’s Primary Health Care Digest.

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Technical Assistance & Training


Visit the training calendar to learn details about or register for events.


HCV Programming at Health Centers in Light of the Opioid Epidemic: A Three-Part Series
Hosted by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, a HRSA-funded National Cooperative Agreement
Part 3: Sustaining HCV Programming at Your Health Center
Tuesday, May 29
12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Women and Type 2 Diabetes
Hosted by HRSA
Tuesday, May 29
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Management of the Patient with Hypertension during Emergencies: Experience of Puerto Rico During and After Hurricane María (in Spanish)
Hosted by the Migrant Clinicians Network, a HRSA-funded NCA
Wednesday, May 30
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Multi-System Coordination: Building and Maintaining a Coordinated Provider Community
Hosted by the Corporation for Supportive Housing, a HRSA-funded NCA
Wednesday, May 30
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Developing a Community Health Center Capital Project Plan and Budget – Part One
Hosted by Capital Link, a HRSA-funded NCA
Wednesday, May 30
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Addressing Substance Use in AIMS Awardee Settings, Part 1: Addressing Opioids in Integrated Care
Hosted by CIHS
Wednesday, May 30
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Register here

The Impact of EHR Use on Health Center Staffing and Productivity
Hosted by the National Center for Health in Public Housing, a HRSA-funded NCA
Thursday, May 31
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here

UDS Mapper Special Topics Webinar: Identifying Opioid Intervention Opportunities for HRSA
Hosted by HRSA
Thursday, May 31
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Defining and Identifying Burnout in Your Organization
Part 1 of a 5-part series on Administrative Strategies to Reduce Burnout
Hosted by the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved’s STAR² Center, a HRSA-funded NCA
Thursday, May 31
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Register here

Suicide Prevention in Rural Populations Roundtable Discussion for Health Centers
Hosted by CIHS
Tuesday, June 5
1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Register here


Addressing Risk through Systems Thinking and Design: Strategies for Accredited Health Centers
Hosted by The Joint Commission
Thursday, June 7
12:30-2:00 p.m. ET
Join the webinar the day of the session
For audio only:
Call-in: 877-271-1828
Passcode: 357356

Health Care Strategies for the Justice-Involved Population
Hosted by HRSA
Thursday, June 7
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Join the webinar the day of the session
Call-in: 844-616-0064
Passcode: 306975

Tribal Grants Webinar Series: Applying for a HRSA Grant: A Grantee and a Reviewer’s Perspectives/The Benefits of Becoming a Reviewer
Hosted by HRSA
Wednesday, June 13
1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Register here

Workforce Grand Rounds: Building Health Equity: The Link Between Social Determinants, Healthy Communities, and Workforce Training
Hosted by HRSA
Wednesday, June 13
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Register here

Developing a Community Health Center Capital Project Plan and Budget – Part Two
Hosted by Capital Link, a HRSA-funded NCA
Wednesday, June 20
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here

School-Based Telehealth Networks: Lessons from the Field
Hosted by HRSA
Thursday, June 21
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register here