Who’s That Owl, DED Data Exchange, Detail Opportunity, and More!

BPHC Insider Masthead

May 24, 2018

What's New

Celebrating Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a time to remember, recognize, and honor individuals who died while serving in the U.S. military. Watch as BPHC’s Lybbi Martin shares the extraordinary story of her grandfather, Carl Hintze, Jr.

Knowledge Bank Owl

Who’s That Owl?
"Hootie and the Knowfish"? "Knowsy Owl"? Help us name the BPHC Answers Knowledge Bank mascot! The naming contest will run until Friday, June 1, and the result will be announced at the Knowledge Bank kick-off event on Thursday, June 7, in the 5th floor pavilion.

BPHC Answers is the authoritative source for standard, consistent responses to inquiries, which will be available to all BPHC employees in September. The Knowledge Bank will make it easier to find information that you need to respond to questions in a timely way.

Stay tuned for emails, meeting notices, and future announcements.

Take the Survey

Supervisors: Help Make HRSA a Trauma-Informed Agency!
The Trauma-Informed 2.0 Action Team for the 2017/2018 Mid-level Leadership Development Program is conducting a survey to assess and determine trauma awareness among HRSA supervisors. This survey is only for supervisors or managers and will be available until Wednesday, May 30.

Did you know about 70% of the general population will be exposed to trauma in their lifetime? People who have experienced trauma are three times more likely to be absent from work, experience depression, and have difficulties at work. People who have experienced trauma are also two times more likely to smoke, develop chronic conditions, and/or have serious financial problems.

The survey assesses supervisors’ awareness about trauma-informed work environments and seeks to identify the next steps needed to transition HRSA to be a trauma-informed agency. For more information, contact TraumaInformedTeam@hrsa.gov.

Save the Date: June All-Hands Webcast
Tuesday, June 12
2:30-3:30 p.m. ET

To submit questions for the BPHC All-Hands in advance, send an email by Friday, June 8. All questions will remain anonymous. You can also write in your questions during the webcast.

Missed the May All-Hands webcast? Watch it now.

Kim Willard-Jelks

HHS Honors Kim Willard-Jelks
A BPHC Senior Advisor in HRSA's Atlanta office, Kim Willard-Jelks received a Secretarial Award for Distinguished Service for her work as a team member of the Presidential Task Force Combatting Drug Resistant Bacterial Infections. The Task Force’s five-year action plan includes a national strategy to reduce the threat in America's hospitals, schools, and other vector points.


Game of Offices
A Lannister always pays their debt, and a BPHC employee always completes their survey.

Help your office win the crown; complete your EVS now! Please check your inbox for the EVS survey link to participate.

The survey is for all HHS permanent employees (onboard at HHS since October 2017 or before) and will remain open until Monday, June 18. You should have received your unique email invitation on Monday, May 7. See general survey information.

Office(s) with a 100% completion rate win the crown! If you did not receive a survey link via email, please contact Renee Lizear.

Once you’ve completed your survey, update the chart in front of your Office Director’s office. Don’t forget to update your chart for your regional folks!

Self-reported numbers as of this week:

EVS Response Rates

DED Data Exchange

DED Data Exchange Now Accessible to the BPHC Workforce
OQI’s Data and Evaluation Division (DED) recently introduced a new resource to provide you with the tools needed to understand and use Health Center Program data. The DED Data Exchange is a BQUIC innovation that packages data analytics training, handouts, presentations, visualizations, and more, all in one interactive system. Consider bookmarking the DED Data Exchange for quick access.

DED offered a training on Tuesday, May 8, and demonstrated the Data Exchange at last week’s All-Hands.


In Case You Missed It

A Round-Up of Previously Announced Items

  • The Compliance Manual internal resources web page is now available! This one-stop site provides easy access to a wide range of information, resources, and tools related to the Health Center Program Compliance Manual. Bookmark this page and check back for updates!

  • The BPHC OSV Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) provide important information about planning, documenting and/or participating in an Operational Site Visit (OSV). Updates include links to Quick Reference Guides for working in STAR and creating an Action Plan.

  • To request ad hoc telework, staff MUST enter partial and ad hoc telework days using the telework function in ITAS. From the home page, select “Request Telework” and enter the requested hours on the following screen. If you receive an error message when entering hours, you may need an ITAS coordinator to adjust your telework status.

  • The maximum amount of time you may receive for time-off awards (including for your annual performance, PMAP) is 80 hours. Contact BPHC Awards Coordinator Tiffany Baylor for inquiries about your available hours.

  • Now Accepting Comments! As part of ongoing work to reduce public and stakeholder burden, HRSA released a Request for Information seeking feedback on select HRSA programs. Comments are open to the public and encouraged for entities significantly affected by HRSA regulations and policy. All comments must be submitted by Monday, July 2.

  • OPPD added a new category, Sec. 330 Statutory Changes, to the Issue Type drop-down menu in the Policy Portal. We’ll use it to categorize inquiries related to the changes made to the Health Center Program by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018. You may submit questions received on this topic, as well as all other policy questions, via the portal. Visit the Utilizing the Portal page to learn how to submit inquiries.

Training & Staff Development


Visit the training calendar to learn details about and register for events.

Crucial Conversations
OSBO’s Organizational Development Division offers the two-day workshop Crucial Conversations in support of continued team development. It is only being offered in-person at this time.

Tuesday, May 29,
and Wednesday, May 30
9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. ET

Register or read the course announcement to learn more. Registration deadline is Friday, May 25.

FTCA Training Series for POs, Part Four: Claims Management
Tuesday, June 5
10:00-11:30 a.m. ET

Part four of this training series will focus on the claims management process and highlight “Demonstrating Compliance” elements of claims management for FTCA deemed health centers.

Get more information about this course and register.

Did You Know? Tips From DAO

Holiday Timecard Verifications
Due to the Memorial Day Holiday (May 28), timecards covering May 13 through May 26 MUST be approved by 11:00 p.m. ET on Saturday, May 26, to meet the DFAS processing schedule for the Friday, June 1 payday.

  • BPHC Employees – Please be sure to verify your timecard as soon as possible TODAY.
  • BPHC Leave Approving Officials – Please have ALL timecards verified and approved by 2:00 p.m. ET on Friday, May 25.

Please send any questions or concerns to BPHCHR@hrsa.gov.

Staffing Updates

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities:

Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) Detail Opportunity
HRSA’s FORHP has up to three full-time detail opportunities available for individuals at GS-11/12/13 to work on the planning and implementation of the new Rural Communities Opioids Response-Planning (RCORP-Planning) Initiative. RCORP-Planning will support planning grants to implement opioid use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery interventions designed to reduce opioid overdoses among rural communities. Learn more about this detail opportunity and others.

BPHC Division of Administrative Operations (DAO) Detail Opportunity
DAO will be conducting a pilot consisting of centralizing travel preparing and vouchering for OQI. This solicitation of interest is for a 120-day detail (four months) to DAO, from July 9, through November 3. DAO will be selecting two candidates to support the OQI travel function. Expressions of Interest must be submitted by June 1. Learn more about this detail opportunity.

Staff on the Move:

Candace Smith is a Program Analyst in OAA. Candace transferred from OQI effective May 13.

Hector Velez is a Public Health Analyst in OAA. Hector transferred from BHW effective May 13.

Alan Amelinckx, Public Affairs Specialist in OSBO’s External Affairs Division, will transfer to the Veterans Benefits Administration effective May 27.

Winifred Chen, Public Affairs Specialist in OSBO’s External Affairs Division, will transfer to BHW effective May 27.


Schedule Change

Upcoming Newsletter Schedule Change 
Due to the Memorial Day holiday, this week’s deadline for submitting Digest and Insider announcements will change. Instead of 12:00 p.m. ET tomorrow, newsletter announcements must be approved in SharePoint by COB TODAY.

Submissions received after today will be reserved for the following issue. The publication dates of the newsletters will NOT change. Questions or concerns? Email the Digest or Insider mailbox.

Submit Content, Graphics, or Photos for the Insider
Use the announcements workflow for both the Insider and Digest.

Request Technical Assistance/Training and Adobe Connect Support Services
Please use the SharePoint workflow to schedule a technical assistance session or get Adobe Connect support for an internal or external session.

Newsletter Archive
Visit the newsletter archive on the BIR to catch up on past issues of the BPHC Insider and Primary Health Care Digest newsletters.