Solicitation of Interest: Detail Opportunity

BPHC Internal Bulletin Masthead


Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC)
Office of the Associate Administrator (OAA)
Division of Administrative Operations (DAO)
Administrative Assistant/Analyst (Travel Preparer)
Area of Consideration: Bureau of Primary Health Care, Rockville, MD

The Office of the Associate Administrator, Division of Administrative Operations (DAO), will be conducting a pilot consisting of centralizing travel preparing and vouchering for the Office of Quality Improvement (OQI). This solicitation of interest is for a 120-day detail (four months) to DAO beginning July 9 through November 3, 2018. DAO will be selecting two candidates to support the OQI travel function.

Specifically, this position will be led by a DAO Team Lead who will be overseeing the work of the pilot for OQI, and also the administrative staff selected to participate in this pilot. Travel for OQI is temporarily being shifted to DAO during this pilot period to test a centralized approach to travel. This will enable DAO to determine if this approach streamlines the travel process and affords the traveler a more favorable travel experience. Employees selected for this pilot will be responsible for handling travel in OQI only. The employees selected to participate will continue to be supervised by their current supervisor of record and their PMAP will not change. However, these staff members will be physically located and working in the DAO area. The applicant(s) must have an understanding of the travel process and the ConcurGov system in order to be eligible for this detail. 

The incumbent(s) of this position will only focus on travel. The duties entailed in this pilot will encompass the full range of travel duties for OQI as outlined below: 

  • Utilize knowledge and skill in creating and processing travel in ConcurGov, and updating the engagement plan;
  • Create and process travel vouchers, collect receipts, upload into ConcurGov;
  • Process memos and direct deposit forms as required;
  • Serve as first line support for conference, training, and travel needs;
  • Provide individual customer support to travelers;
  • Provide technical assistance along with support from the DAO Team Lead;
  • Attend office and division level All-Hands meetings along with federal agency travel administrators (FATAs) to provide updates; and
  • Schedule 1x1 meetings with travelers, as needed.

The successful applicants will be detailed to DAO.  If selected, the detail requires your immediate supervisor’s approval.

‎Opening and Closing Dates:
Opening: Monday, May 21
Closes:    Friday, June 1

Procedures for Expressing Interest:  
Please submit an Expression of Interest electronically to that includes the following information by June 1:

1. Name;
2. Immediate Supervisor, Office, Division;
3. Statement reflecting supervisory support of participation;
4. Brief written responses to the following items: 

  • Are you a current travel preparer?
  • How many people do you currently prepare travel for?
  • How long have you been preparing travel?
  • Why do you want to participate in this pilot?
  • What and how can you contribute to the pilot?
  • What are your strengths and what are your challenges in preparing and vouchering travel?

If you have any questions or need additional information, contact