The Green Byrne Child Care Center playground at the William J. Green, Jr. Federal Building received an upgrade to the equipment, fence and surfacing.
This project entailed a complete renovation of the child care centers outdoor area, including softer, more durable flooring and new, safer playground equipment. New fencing installed provides further security for the 100 children and staff utilizing the space on a daily basis. The project was completed with minimal disruption to the child care center and other building tenants.
Designed with safety and fun in mind, the state-of-the-art playground features an array of age-appropriate equipment, providing children with a dynamic environment to explore and play. "We are thrilled to introduce this incredible new space to our children and families," said Ellen Booth, director of Green Byrne Child Care Center.
For more information about the Green Byrne Child Care Center Click here.
Story credit: GSA R3 Green Stack Communications
Child Care Subsidies for Federal Employees
The Federal government’s Child Care Subsidy Program helps pay child care costs for income-qualified Federal employees. Public Law (107-67, sec 630) allows Federal agencies to subsidize the child care costs of lower income employees and covers children age 12 and younger. Federal employees should see their servicing agency to learn if their agency participates. More agencies have joined the program, such as the IRS, and some agencies raised income thresholds, such as GSA. Providers can help by sharing this information with their Federal families. For agency contacts and thresholds, go to https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/worklife/dependent-care/#url=Child-Care-Subsidy
GSA Child Care Training
Are you a director new to GSA or in need of a refresher?
Background Check Tier 1 training for Providers GSA is revising its policy on background check type for child care workers. Please note: if your center is in California or Alaska or another agency performs your background checks, this training does not apply to you.
Repeated- please plan to attend one session. Please see announcement email or ask your program manager for meeting link:
Tuesday, Feb 27, 5:00-6:00 pm ET
Wednesday, Feb 28, 3:00-4:00 pm ET
Thursday, Feb 29, Noon- 1:00 pm ET
Getting ready for NAEYC
April 17, 1:30-3:00 ET - Please email sandra.axelrod@gsa.gov to register for the course.
Congratulations to Joyful Noise East, Joyful Noise Downtown and Cottage Kids on their recent NAEYC .
Cottage Kids, Sacramento, CA , celebrated the Super Bowl with a Souper Bowl wellness event for staff, children and families. Everyone had a great time tasting yummy, healthy soups after refreshing exercise in multiple wellness stations. Thank you Cottage Kids for sharing your story!
We welcome all centers to share your good ideas by sending photos and a write-up of your healthy curriculum ideas.
This month-long national health observance reinforces the importance of children’s oral health and helps parents keep their child’s smile on track!
Children's dental health starts as early as the child being in the mothers womb. Did you know good hygiene during pregnancy can help keep a baby healthy from the beginning. There are steps you can take in the first couple of years to help ensure your child has good dental health such as:
- Wiping a babies gums twice a day after morning and evening feeding
- Brushing twice daily
- Visiting a dentist regularly
- Applying dental sealants when appropriate
- Drinking water with fluoride
To find out more about oral health and ways to keep pearly whites healthy click here
Have interesting news to share?
The Child Care Center of Expertise invites you to send your stories, photos, and article suggestions to Child Care News e-newsletter. Submit your news tips, photos and article suggestions to childcaremailbox@gsa.gov and share what’s happening in your child care program.