Upcoming event: OES at 100!
This fall, OES will celebrate completing 100 collaborations with our agency partners! We will share results via a virtual webinar later this fall. More details to come.
Survey on evidence utilization
Interested in helping OES build evidence on how people in government assess and utilize information about programs?
If you are a Federal executive branch employee, we invite you to take a 15-minute survey, linked here!
Text reminders increased clinic visits for family planning services in Mozambique
In collaboration with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Population Services International (PSI), OES designed a series of eight messages to send via text to women during the first week and month following a promoter interaction, reminding them of their referral for family planning and encouraging them to visit a clinic.
Over 5,000 women were randomly assigned to be sent text message reminders on top of normal follow-up from promoters. The results suggest that the text reminders led to an increase in clinic visits, particularly among younger women and women in the period prior to the COVID-19 state of emergency. Read more.
Three Ways Your Agency Can Improve Customer Experience
Want to learn how evidence-based insights can help your agency? Here are three key ways we help agencies address common challenges and improve customer experience:
- Identify and address the key drivers of customer-satisfaction
- Use A/B testing to evaluate changes
- Use evidence-based insights to enrich customer journey maps
Read our latest post on the OES blog.