This new publication, "Death Valley National Park Junior Ranger Adventure" from the National Park Service teaches kids about paleontology, geology, and opportunities for social studies and language arts learning through this program.
Death Valley National Park Junior Ranger Adventure
How to get the family prepared for a great adventure in Death Valley? It starts with obtaining a fun and educational booklet from the National Park Service. It's called Death Valley National Park Junior Ranger Adventure. Are you and your family planning to hike in Death Valley National Park? To have a safe and fun hike you must take the right things with you. That's a good place to start. The booklet helps kids get involved with nature at a basic level while challenging them with questions suitable for younger ages; especially kids who seek knowledge about the great outdoors.
Includes: Packing for your adventure; Map of your adventure and of the park; Junior Ranger bingo; Animal Adaptions Matching. Build or draw a desert animal; Exploring the night sky; Forces that shape the land; Build a habitat for plants; Mining in Death Valley; Scotty's tall tales; A Coyote story; Protect the Park. The park is located in California and Nevada.
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