WIC Learning Online (WLOL) has moved to Percipio, a new and improved platform with a modernized look and feel. User transcripts will remain available on Skillport until August 31, 2023.
You can learn more about Percipio, create an account, and find answers to frequently asked questions at the link below.
WIC Community Innovation and Outreach (WIC CIAO) Subgrant Awards
The WIC CIAO subgrants have been awarded to 36 entities that will implement projects across 32 states over the next 18 months. The subgrantees will focus on increasing WIC awareness, participation and retention, and benefit redemption helping reduce disparities in program delivery. Check out the subgrantees’ project summaries!
During the summer months, people engage in more outdoor food-related activities. With the increase in temperature during meal times comes an increase in the number of people who get sick from food poisoning. Help educate WIC participants about safe food handling and storing in the summer with the resources linked below.
The What Do I Do With? series features a collection of recipes, tips, and ideas you can share with participants to make the most of their food package.
Take the new What Do I Do With Quiz to test your knowledge about nutrients in WIC-eligible foods.
Dads are an important part of the team including when it comes to breastfeeding. This Father's Day, help WIC fathers feel empowered to support their partner's breastfeeding by sharing these words of affirmation and the article linked below.
This year, MyPlate celebrates its 12th birthday. To celebrate, learn more about healthy eating and budget friendly tips and tricks for the summer season.
At the link below, you can find a MyPlate quiz, information about the MyPlate app, personalized MyPlate plans, and more to share with WIC participants.
Workshop: Implementation and Evaluation of the WIC Breastfeeding Campaign
August 29-30, 2023 This workshop will share lessons learned from the “Learn Together. Grow Together.” Breastfeeding Support Campaign and social media best practices, as well as other strategies to promote breastfeeding. More information coming soon including registration details.
June 27, 2023 Encourage WIC participants to get tested for HIV/AIDS and help fulfill the mission of WIC: to safeguard the health of the women, infants, and children WIC serves.
Learn more about recommendations from the CDC at the link below.