Message from the Associate Commissioner
Dear Women’s Health Colleagues,
Each year in the United States there are about 6 million pregnancies, and 80% of those who are pregnant say that they take at least one medicine during pregnancy. Some may be getting treatment for a health problem they had before pregnancy, while others take medicines for health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which can develop or worsen during pregnancy.
If you are pregnant and taking medicines or vaccines—or treating patients who are—we invite you to learn more about pregnancy exposure registries. Pregnancy exposure registries are voluntary research studies that collect information about the effects of prescription medicines taken, or vaccines received during pregnancy. Information collected can help health care providers and others who are pregnant learn more about the safety of medicines and vaccines used during pregnancy.
Please take a moment to watch this new video from the FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) and visit our pregnancy exposure registries webpage to learn more and find a list of registries. We also invite you to read and share our latest Knowledge and News on Women’s Health (KNOWH) blog, which provides an introduction to pregnancy registries for patients and health care providers, and view our public continuing education webinar, Engaging Providers to Address Knowledge Gaps on Medication Use in Pregnancy and Lactation.
Kaveeta P. Vasisht, M.D., Pharm.D.
Associate Commissioner for Women’s Health Director, Office of Women’s Health (OWH)
Read and share our caregiver resources!
November is National Family Caregivers Month, and we honor the many caregivers across our communities who are caring for their family and friends. While it can be a rewarding experience for many, caregiving can also be challenging.
A common challenge can include caregiver stress and women especially are at risk for the harmful health effects of caregiver stress. FDA OWH has resources to help you manage your loved one’s medical needs while also taking care of yourself.
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