TOPIC: FDA Advises Parents and Caregivers Not to Buy or Give Mother’s Touch Formula to Infants
AUDIENCE: Consumer, Health Professional, Pediatrics, Pharmacy
ISSUE: The FDA has determined that Mother’s Touch Formula is not manufactured in compliance with the FDA’s infant formula regulations. The infant formula product is not tested to determine if it meets the nutrient requirements for infant formula, and contains label claims for seven nutrients that do not meet the nutrient requirements for infant formula such that consumption of this formula has the potential to cause nutrient deficiencies or toxicity in infants. In addition, the product was not fully tested for the presence of potentially harmful bacteria such as Cronobacter.
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BACKGROUND: The product is being marketed as an infant formula without the required pre-market notification to the FDA and sold at local markets in Kinzers, Loganton, and Gap, PA and was available for purchase directly from Mother’s Touch website.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Parents and caregivers of infants who have purchased this product should discontinue use and throw it away.
Parents and caregivers of infants who have used this product and are concerned about the health of their child should contact their health care provider.
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