Updated Information on State IAQ Laws and Policies— Environmental Law Institute

Are you looking for information on your state’s indoor air quality (IAQ) laws or policies? The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) provides information about state policies and programs on a variety of IAQ-related topics.
ELI has updated much of this information recently, adding new material to its Database of IAQ Laws, Policy Briefs (including a new brief on Legionella) and Topics in School Environmental Health. ELI’s feature on Recent Developments in IAQ Policy also is updated throughout the year.
These materials and resources about IAQ are available free from ELI’s Indoor Environments and Green Buildings Program portal. From the portal, you can browse a variety of topics and publications.
Topics—ELI materials are organized into five areas:
Publications—The following materials cover a variety of IAQ issues:
Database of State IAQ Laws—A broad compilation of laws updated annually.
Topics in School Environmental Health—Listings of state laws on the following school IAQ topics (updated periodically): mold, radon, carbon monoxide, building ventilation, integrated pest management, vehicle idling, green cleaning, IAQ during renovations and IAQ management plans.

Policy Briefs—Short descriptions of state policies addressing a range of topics (updated periodically): indoor chemical exposures (identifying and regulating priority chemicals); IAQ in rental dwellings; radon control in new home construction; green cleaning in schools; healthy, high-performance school construction; IAQ in nail salons; and air quality in indoor ice arenas.

Research Reports—In-depth analysis and discussion of state policies and programs on a wide range of topics, from reducing environmental exposures in child care settings to addressing IAQ in energy retrofits.

State Program Profiles—Brief descriptions of innovative IAQ informational resources and programs developed by state agencies.
The Environmental Law Institute is a funded cooperative partner of the Indoor Environments Division (IED) under Agreement #XA-83924301.
