Did You Know?
WPTO hosted its latest semiannual stakeholder webinar (SASW) on May 9, 2024. During the event, the office highlighted funding, technical collaboration opportunities, and prizes, along with recent accomplishments. Hear about these opportunities and more from WPTO Acting Director Matthew Grosso and EERE Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Jeff Marootian. Join WPTO for its next SASW on Aug. 22, 2024, from 12:30–2:00 p.m. ET.
TODAY, July 10, 2024, is the deadline for communities to apply for technical assistance through the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP).
July 16, 2024, is the deadline to submit proposals to Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy's (ARPA-E's) Vision OPEN 2024 Funding Opportunity.
July 26, 2024, is the deadline for submissions to the first phase of the Powering the Blue Economy™: Power at Sea Prize.
Aug. 7, 2024, is the deadline to submit concept papers for the Water Power Innovation Network funding opportunity.
Aug. 8, 2024, is the deadline for facilities to apply to become part of the Hydropower Testing Network.
Rolling: Concept abstracts are being accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis for the technical collaboration opportunity focused on developing innovative hydropower technologies using advanced materials and manufacturing.
WPTO opened a nearly $5 million funding opportunity to support programs that accelerate the commercialization and adoption of water power systems and solutions. The opportunity will support programming and services for entrepreneurs and small businesses in hydropower and/or marine energy. WPTO will host an informational webinar at 1:30 p.m. ET on July 11, 2024, to discuss the funding opportunity and its areas of focus. Applicants must submit a concept paper by 5 p.m. ET on Aug. 7, 2024, to be eligible to submit a full application.
Applications are due today for ETIPP, which provides technical assistance to remote and island communities to enhance their energy resilience. New this year, communities selected for technical assistance will also receive direct funding to support their time and engagement on the ETIPP project. The 2024 ETIPP application period closes TODAY, July 10, 2024.
WPTO is accepting submissions for the Powering the Blue Economy: Power at Sea Prize, which will award up to $1.7 million to competitors to advance marine energy technologies for offshore applications such as ocean-observing devices and aquaculture installations. Competitors are challenged to develop innovative concepts that address integration challenges specific to the blue economy. The first phase of the competition is open for submissions through July 26, 2024.
WPTO launched the first phase of the Hydropower Testing Network, which aims to connect hydropower technology developers to testing capability providers. WPTO is seeking test facilities interested in joining the network and working with developers to test their technologies with the goal of advancing them toward commercialization. Interested facilities should submit applications by Aug. 8, 2024.
WPTO and Oak Ridge National Laboratory opened a technical collaboration opportunity for industry to develop innovative hydropower technologies using advanced materials and manufacturing. Selected participants will gain access to DOE's Manufacturing Demonstration Facility to validate and refine untested ideas that could enhance the performance and sustainability of hydropower technologies. Interested applicants must submit a brief concept abstract, and proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funds are expended.
DOE's Office of Technology Transitions announced $41.1 million in funding for 50 projects across 17 national laboratories to propel clean energy solutions to market. The opportunity invited proposals from national laboratories to advance clean energy technologies and strengthen existing practices. The selections included four water power projects funded by WPTO.
WPTO announced more than $1.7 million for 16 hydropower and 12 marine energy projects to advance water power technologies and their roles in achieving both national and local clean energy goals. These projects, referred to as "seedlings," are funded under WPTO's Seedlings and Saplings program, which encourages and supports new and innovative research ideas at DOE national laboratories.
DOE's Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) announced its intent to provide up to $100 million in funding for pilot-scale non-lithium long-duration energy storage projects and supporting technologies. OCED anticipates releasing a funding solicitation in late summer or early fall.
TOMORROW, July 11, 2024, 1:30–2:30 p.m. ET
WPTO will host an informational webinar to discuss the Water Power Innovation Network funding opportunity and its area of focus. This webinar will be recorded and posted on EERE Exchange.
July 24, 2024, 2–3 p.m. ET, Virtual
Join researchers from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to learn about new acoustic transmitters and sensors that will allow researchers to track the movements and life stages of fish species that have never been studied. This will advance understanding of fish migration, habitat use, fishway performance, and survival rates at hydropower facilities. Hear how these cutting-edge techniques inform management decisions for hydropower facilities and mitigation strategies to avoid or minimize environmental impacts to aquatic resources.
July 31, 2024, 2–4 p.m. ET, Virtual
WPTO is hosting the second of three Hydropower Environmental and Industry R&D Summit talks. This talk will focus on river connectivity and hydropower operations. The webinar will clarify the challenge space facing hydropower stakeholders, as presented by industry and others, and attendees will then hear from practitioners and researchers on the state of the science and how that science can address industry's challenges.
Aug. 22, 2024, 12:30–2 p.m. ET, Virtual
Join experts from WPTO for a discussion on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Hear about where they see potential benefits and uses of these tools in the hydropower and marine energy sectors and where they may already be in use!
July 15–18, 2024, Denver, Colorado
Join WPTO and national laboratory staff at Hydrovision International 2024 in Denver, Colorado. The event will bring together more than 1,200 hydropower stakeholders to discuss the state of the industry, trends, and solutions to current challenges. Visit WPTO at booth 521 to learn about the office, funding and other opportunities, and current R&D efforts.
A major challenge for hydropower is how to meet growing energy demand while mitigating environmental impacts. Research from the HydroWIRES (Water Innovation for a Resilient Electricity System) Initiative, led by WPTO, investigates ways to plan water releases to support both energy and environment objectives, thus reducing the environmental impact of hydropower facilities and supporting power generation.
Looking to dive deeper into publications, reports, and other news in water power? Subscribe to WPTO's program-level newsletters, Hydro Headlines and The Water Column, which provide content focused on hydropower and marine energy, respectively.
Facilities Invited to Join New Hydropower Testing Network
—National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Brittany Enos, July 2, 2024
5-Step Plan to Support Smooth Transitions in the Hydropower Workforce
—Clean Technica, Staff Writer, July 1, 2024
DOE Awards $7.4 Million for Sandia National Laboratories Energy Projects
—Offshore Engineer, Staff Writer, June 30, 2024
A Five-Step Plan To Support Smooth Transitions in the Hydropower Workforce
—NREL, Tiffany Plate, June 28, 2024
US DOE’s Nearly $5M Grant to Boost Small Businesses in Hydropower and Marine Energy
—Offshore Energy, Zerina Maksumic, June 27, 2024
Water Power Technologies Office Launches Hydropower Testing Network
—International Water Power and Dam Construction, Staff Writer, June 27, 2024
OSU to Receive $5.5M for Marine Energy Research
—Lincoln County Ledger, Jeremy C. Ruark, June 22, 2024
OU Wins Third Place at Marine Energy Collegiate Competition
—Oakland University News, Staff Writer, June 18, 2024
Beneath the Surface: How a High School Essay Steered Tina Ortega Toward a Career in Marine Energy
—NREL, Tara McMurty, June 17, 2024