It may be the shortest month of the year, but the Joint Office isn’t slowing down. Read on for recent highlights, resources, and upcoming webinars.
Joint Of
FTA Low-No Announcement
Earlier this month, the Joint Office celebrated the exciting announcement from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on the availability of approximately $1.5 billion to support American transit vehicle manufacturing—including zero-emission buses—help to build bus facilities and promote workforce development.
Clean Bus Planning Awards
The $5 million Clean Bus Planning Awards (CBPA) program, managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and funded by the Joint Office, launched last week. The CBPA program provides free technical assistance from NREL to create comprehensive and customized bus electrification plans for fleets across the United States.
2024 Q1 NEVI Progress Update
States are forging ahead, breaking ground, and opening the first electric vehicle (EV) charging stations funded by the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program.
Other News Updates
The Biden-Harris Administration announced nearly $1 billion in awards to 67 applicants for clean school bus funding across the nation through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA's) Clean School Bus Program Grants Competition.
An analysis of federal data by Bloomberg illustrates the constant rollout of new EV charging stations as the Joint Office continues to drive accessible charging for everyone.
A key step in the United States Postal Service’s plan to put together one of the nation’s biggest EV fleets recently took place in Georgia.
This resource provides guidance to assess if your home, business, or facility is in an eligible location for tax credits that could save up to 30% off the cost of installing EV charging infrastructure.
New Resources
Charging Ahead: Resources to Support EV Charging Infrastructure
Community Charging: Emerging Multifamily, Curbside, and Multimodal Practices
This new Joint Office resource advances equitable EV charging by addressing new technologies, real-world applications, and technical solutions for stakeholders working to build infrastructure to serve multifamily housing residents and other community needs.
Equity and Energy Justice-Related Metric Development for Evaluation of State-Level Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Programs
This report from the Joint Office United Support for Transportation (JUST) Lab Consortium provides a starting point for planning, outreach, data collection, and data quantification efforts for equitable deployment of multibillion-dollar investments in clean transportation infrastructure.
Fleet Forward: Resources for Deploying Zero-Emission Buses
Electric School Bus Routing Tool
This new tool from the Joint Office helps school bus fleets determine the bus power usage and charger power needs for their district’s routes, making the transition to electric easier to plan and execute. Learn more in this tutorial video.
Recommendations for Minimum Required Error Codes for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Report
This report and implementation guide from the ChargeX Consortium propose a set of standardized Minimum Required Error Codes to address the challenges associated with custom error codes in the North American EV charging ecosystem.
Cold Weather Considerations for Electric School Buses Help Sheet
School bus fleets considering electric buses can use this help sheet to review cold weather impacts and considerations for optimizing bus performance when temperatures drop.
Upcoming Webinars
Workforce Development Tools and Resources
Mar. 5, 2024, 2-3 p.m. ET
This webinar will cover workforce training programs, job creation, and local and economic hiring preferences in the transition to electrified transportation. Workforce development experts across the federal government will provide updates on new resources that are available to stakeholders.
Electric School Bus Familiarization
Join the Joint Office, in coordination with the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC) and school bus manufacturers, as we present a four-part webinar training series on Electric School Bus familiarization. These webinars will provide operators, technicians, and other school bus fleet members a fundamental understanding of electric school bus technology.
Courses will be presented live and include time for Q&A. Courses will be recorded and made available online with associated testing materials for school districts to incorporate into their internal training programs.
Registration coming soon.
Visit the webinar page for upcoming webinars and recordings of past webinars.
At the NARUC 2024 Winter Policy Summit on February 25, Sejal Shah, Joint Office senior advisor for electric utilities programs and policies, spoke on EV hot topics including NEVI station deployment, EV charging interoperability, and affordability.
2024 Tribal Clean Energy Summit is happening from February 26-28.
Green Truck Summit on March 5 in Indianapolis provides insights, solutions, and resources in support of the work truck industry’s drive toward achieving greater sustainability, productivity, and efficiency.
Deputy Director Rachael Nealer will discuss EVs and Big Data at SXSW on March 12.
About the Joint Office
The Joint Office is a collaboration between the U.S. Departments of Energy and Transportation to support the buildout of a nationwide network of electric vehicle chargers, zero-emission fueling infrastructure, and zero-emission transit and school buses. Learn more at
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