New Videos and Photos Added to the AlgaePrize Competition Weekend Multimedia Gallery!

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Energy dot gov Office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy

Bioenergy Technologies Office


April 28, 2023

New Videos and Photos Added to the AlgaePrize Competition Weekend Multimedia Gallery!

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Congratulations to the 2022-2023 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) AlgaePrize Competition grand champion and top finalists! The next generation of bioeconomy professionals demonstrated the power of algae to address climate change and fuel our future bioeconomy at the AlgaePrize Competition, sponsored by DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) and supported by the Algae Foundation and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The competition judging was held April 14-16 at NREL in Golden, Colorado, and we’ve just added new videos and photos to our multimedia gallery to showcase the poster session, industry roundtable, and other activities from the event!

The 14 finalist teams consisting of high school, college, and graduate students from across the United States—from Puerto Rico to Alaska, coastal California to the Midwest—presented innovative research projects that will support the nation’s biofuel research efforts and commercial algae value chain.

Team Kelp! I Need Some Algae from the University of Alaska Fairbanks won this year’s competition and received a total of $15,000 in prize money. The team’s goal was to determine cost-effective ways to reduce hatchery expenses by testing novel natural seed twine options and fertilizers to expand diversity in Alaskan mariculture.

Four other teams were named top finalists and received $10,000 in prize money:

  • Algaeorithm Team: Los Altos High School (CA), The Paideia School (GA), Institute for Systems Biology (WA)
  • PhycoSight Team: Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)
  • PUPR AlgaePrize Team: Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PR)
  • UC Davis Giant Kelp Team: University of California, Davis (CA)

Six teams also won in the BEST competition categories:

  • Best Video: PUPR AlgaePrize Team, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PR)
  • Best Presentation: Algaeorithm, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PR)
  • Best Poster: UC Davis Giant Kelp Team, University of California, Davis (CA)
  • Best Team Name: The Cyantific Method, Colorado State University (CO)
  • Best Team Energy: Clean Water Cultivators, Sante Fe Community College (NM)
  • People's Choice Award: Polyculture Jam, Austin Community College (TX), University of Texas at Austin (TX), Del Valle High School (TX), Humboldt State University (CA).

Explore the multimedia gallery to learn more about the event and the finalist teams’ innovative technologies!

BETO supports technology research, development, and demonstration to accelerate greenhouse gas emissions reductions through the cost-effective and sustainable use of biomass and waste feedstocks across the U.S. economy. BETO is part of DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

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