DOE Announces Funding Through Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program

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State & Local Spotlight

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Dec. 1, 2022


DOE Announces Funding for More Than 2,700 Eligible States, Local Governments, and Indian Tribes Through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program 

Windmill against a blue sky with the sun shining.

On Nov. 21, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) released a Notice of Intent (NOI) announcing a $550 Million investment in all 50 states, 768 federally recognized Tribal governments and villages, 6 U.S. territories, and 1,878 local governments— serving a total of more than 250 million Americans.

This direct investment in American communities comes from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program which received funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The EECBG Program will enable communities across America to develop and deploy strategies to increase energy efficiency, cut emissions, and reduce energy use. 

EECBG funding can be used to support a variety of clean energy activities that cover a broad range of topics, including developing and implementing strategies to deploy technologies that reduce emissions and generate renewable electricity. Through the EECBG Program, SCEP will support communities across the clean energy spectrum to ensure no communities are left behind as we transition into a clean energy economy. 

To view the EECBG Program NOI, please visit: Financial Opportunities: Funding Opportunity Exchange. To learn more about the EECBG Program, visit DOE’s webpage on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program.

$84.5 Million for High-Impact Energy Improvements Upgrades Available to K-12 Schools

Illustration of a school building with people outside.

SCEP issued $80 million for critical energy upgrades in America’s highest-need K-12 school facilities on Nov. 29, 2022. Titled Renew America's Schools, this substantial investment under BIL will target infrastructural investments in key project areas to reduce utilities costs, improve energy performance, reduce carbon emissions, and create safer and healthier learning spaces for students and teachers. Examples of eligible projects include new HVAC and ventilation systems, building envelope and lighting projects, and alternative fuel and renewable energy technologies.

In tandem with the Renew America’s Schools grant program, DOE launched a $4.5 million prize program called the Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools (Energy CLASS Prize). This prize facilitates capacity-building within Local Educational Agencies to staff and train school energy managers.

Both programs will concentrate funds in rural and high-poverty school districts to lower utilities costs, reduce carbon emissions, and build healthier learning environments for students and teachers.

To view the Funding Opportunity Announcement, visit DOE EERE Exchange. For the latest announcements and resources, visit energy improvements at public school facilities.

Call for Public Input on a $50 Million Program To Promote Energy Efficiency and Support Mission-Driven Work in the Non-Profit Sector

Illustration of a hospital with people outside.

On Nov. 10, 2022, The Biden-Harris Administration published a Request for Information (RFI), soliciting feedback from nonprofit organizations and other stakeholders regarding the Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot Program, a first-of-its-kind initiative within the SCEP. This $50 million program will help nonprofit organizations purchase energy efficient materials for building upgrades.

The non-profit sector composes the third largest workforce in the country, yet most nonprofits operate on small budgets, and many have struggled due to increasing pressure from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Upgrades in nonprofit buildings can reduce their energy use and improve indoor air quality, resulting in lower operational costs and healthier community spaces. Every dollar saved on energy expenditures is a dollar that can be redirected toward mission-driven work.   

The information collected from this RFI will be used by DOE for planning purposes to develop a potential Funding Opportunity Announcement. The deadline to submit a response is Dec. 22, 2022. Download the Request for Information to see the full list of questions and instructions on how to submit a response. 

Informational Webinar on the Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Rebate Program

Row of colorful houses in Baltimore.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 represents the single largest investment in climate and energy in American history. IRA appropriated approximately $8.5 billion to the DOE to carry out a program to award grants to State Energy Offices and Indian Tribes for two new rebate programs. Additionally, the IRA appropriated $200 million to fund residential energy contractor training programs. 

Distribution of these funds is being managed by the new DOE Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP). SCEP is launching a coordinated stakeholder engagement strategy to help shape the implementation of a residential efficiency and electrification rebates program and ensure the full economic and environmental benefits of this historic investment are realized by all Americans.

This informational webinar, held Dec. 8, 2022, 1–2 p.m. ET, will highlight key program design considerations for the Home Owner Managing Energy Savings (HOMES) Rebate Program (IRA Sec. 50121), High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate (HEEHRA) Program (IRA Sec. 50122), and the Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Grants (IRA Sec. 50123). DOE will then discuss how states, tribes, contractors, homeowners, and other groups can best position themselves to learn more about these opportunities and prepare for distribution of these rebates. 

DOE will also preview its plans for upcoming listening sessions to allow members of the public and key stakeholder groups to provide insights on the implementation of a residential efficiency and electrification rebates program.

Register for this webinar.

DOE Announces Open Applications for Second Year of Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign

Student in class raising her hand.

Applications are now open to work with the DOE on the Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign. This initiative works to improve energy performance, reduce carbon emissions, and promote a healthy learning environment in K-12 schools—especially those serving low-income student populations and in rural areas.

Through this interagency effort, the DOE, U.S. Department of Education, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognize exemplary solutions and activities that enhance energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality (IEQ: indoor air quality, lighting, thermal comfort, and/or acoustics), reduce emissions, and improve resilience in their buildings.

To date, 44 school districts across 24 states have joined or are prepared to join the campaign, representing over 2.8 million students in 3,523 individual schools. This year, K-12 school districts and schools will be highlighted for planning activities and implementing solutions in the following categories:

Energy Efficiency Plus Health – Schools and districts that have implemented retrofits improving energy efficiency and IEQ or have performed building assessments and planning in preparation for retrofits with the goal to provide an energy efficient and healthy learning environment.

Emissions Reduction and Resilience – Schools and districts that have implemented strategies to reduce carbon emissions and taken actions to improve resilience or have identified pathways and planned activities with the goal of reducing carbon emissions and improving resilience.

For more information, watch a recording of the Nov. 8  kickoff webinar.

New Training Certificate Series Released by the Performance Contracting National Resource Center

Workers inspecting equipment.

SCEP and the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) are excited to announce a new training certificate series offered through the Performance Contracting National Resource Center (PCNRC).

This no-cost, accredited, on-demand, and interactive training series is designed to support performance contracting and workforce development in the federal and MUSH markets (municipal and state governments, universities and colleges, K-12 schools, and hospitals).

Get started with the first two of eight training modules:

  1. Overview of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC)
  2. Getting Started with an ESPC Project

The series supports the professional development of emerging and experienced professionals alike and promotes the use of qualified owner’s representatives while planning and executing ESPC projects. Those who complete all training components can receive a certificate demonstrating their proficiency.

The remaining six modules will be released on a rolling basis through early 2023.

Learn more about the PCNRC Training Certificate Series.

New Report Highlights Hydropower Industry’s Demand for New, Diverse Talent

A worker by a lake with a clipboard and pen.

The U.S. hydropower industry faces an oncoming wave of retirements, and a new, diverse workforce is critical to the industry’s ability to sustain current operations and grow to support the Biden administration’s goals of a carbon-free power grid by 2035 and a net-zero-emissions economy by 2050. More hydropower-focused educational and training opportunities are also needed to address recruitment and hiring challenges.

A new report funded by DOE Water Power Technologies Office, U.S. Hydropower Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities, provides an analysis of these and other current hydropower workforce trends and needs based on data collected by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Hydropower Foundation. Learn more about the report’s findings.

DOE Intends To Issue Funding Opportunity for Innovations That Electrify and Optimize Building Operations for Better Energy Performance

The DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced its intent to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) on behalf of the Building Technologies Office called “Buildings Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) – 2022.” This FOA would fund the development, validation, and demonstration of novel building technologies and retrofit practices that have significant potential for equitable carbon savings through building electrification, energy efficiency, and demand flexibility.

Learn more about this Notice of Intent.

DOE Announces $35 Million To Deploy Clean Energy on Tribal Lands and Power Unelectrified Tribal Buildings

DOE announced two funding opportunities, totaling $35 million, to deploy clean energy technology on Tribal lands and power unelectrified Tribal buildings. These measures will increase energy security and resilience for Indian Tribes and Tribal members. Applications are due by Feb. 9 and Feb. 23, respectively.

More information on these funding opportunities can be found at the Office of Indian Energy Funding Opportunity Exchange

Applications Now Open for Marine Energy Graduate Student Research Program

Energy equipment floating on a body of water.

Applications are open for the Marine Energy Graduate Student Research Program. Previously only open to doctoral students, the program is now accepting applications from all graduate-level (master’s and doctoral) students for the first time.

Funded by the DOE Water Power Technologies Office and administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, the program is open to full-time graduate students with a marine energy-focused research thesis and/or dissertation at a U.S. institution. The program is designed to advance students’ theses by providing access to the expertise, resources, and capabilities available at DOE offices, national laboratories, industry, and other approved facilities where the students will conduct part of their research.

Applications are due Dec. 2, 2022. More details about the program—including application components, proposed research plan requirements, stipend, and benefits—are available on the program website.

DOE Awards $30 Million To Minority Serving Institutions To Invest in Next Generation STEM Leaders

DOE announced $30 million in financial assistance grants to 10 minority serving institutions across three states through its Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP). Established in 2014, MSIPP promotes the education and development of the next generation of workers in critical STEM-related disciplines.

Learn more about MSIPP and how DOE is working to develop the next generation of leaders. 

DOE Announces $43 Million To Support the Clean Energy Transition in Communities Across the Country

Powerlines against a blue sky with the sun setting.

DOE announced $43 million for 23 research projects across 19 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to help communities improve energy planning, increase grid resilience, and restore power after disasters. The projects are funded through two programs—Renewables Advancing Community Energy Resilience and Energyshed—and will advance innovative approaches to community energy planning and help build data-driven tools to help communities shape their energy future.

Learn more about the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, its research in energysheds, and how DOE systems integration research supports the advancement of an affordable, reliable, and resilient clean energy grid.

Connected Communities Cohort Kicks Off: A New Era for Grid-Efficient Buildings

Row of people lined up behind a red ribbon.

Last week, DOE kicked off the inaugural cohort of Connected Communities at Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus, OH. Acting Assistant Secretary Alejandro Moreno joined leaders from project partners, staff from the Building Technologies Office, the national labs, as well as other guests to launch the cohort of nine awarded Connected Communities projects.

During the visit they toured OSU’s East Regional Water Chiller Plant and Innovation District, some of the diverse vintage of buildings that will be built and retrofitted as part of the OSU Connected Communities project with Engie North America, American Electric Power and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

The event was planned by OSU and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which serves as the National Coordinator for Connected Communities.

Learn more about the Connected Communities cohort, and read about Acting Assistant Secretary Alejandro Moreno's perspective on the future of buildings

DOE Announces $3.2 Million Expansion of the Industrial Assessment Center Program; Adds Commercial Building Assessments

Two people wearing hard hats and holding clipboards inspecting equipment.

DOE will provide $100,000 per year over four years to eight universities to expand their Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) programming by adding commercial-building assessments. The IAC program focuses on assisting small- and medium-sized manufacturers in reducing their carbon emissions and lowering energy costs, while training the next generation of energy-efficiency workers.

Visit the Industrial Assessment Centers website to learn more about the program or find out how to request an assessment. A collection of all publicly available assessment and recommendation data is available online in the IAC Database and can be searched by industry type, company size, products, and energy costs. 

DOE Announces $250 Million Investment From Inflation Reduction Act for Domestic Heat Pump Manufacturing

DOE issued a notice of intent and request for information to determine how to best leverage the Defense Production Act authority invoked by President Biden to accelerate domestic electric heat pump manufacturing. Increased use of electric heat pumps, particularly when replacing fuel oil and natural gas for air and water heating, will allow more American families and businesses to benefit from lower energy costs through American-made clean energy technologies. 

Through the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, SCEP will be funding an additional $260 million in contractor training programs to support building efficiency and electrification. To better assess workforce training needs, DOE is organizing a roundtable meeting with labor unions, businesses, and other stakeholders to get direct input on the ideal design of workforce training programs for the manufacturing and installation of heat pumps.

Latest Clean Cities Podcast Provides Expert Update on Ethanol, Biodiesel, and Renewable Diesel

Clean Cities logo - headphones over a cityscape.

Using more biofuels like ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel can not only reduce transportation emissions, but also help alleviate oil pricing challenges. Tune in to the latest episode of On the Go: An On-Road Transportation Podcast with Clean Cities to hear alternative fuel experts discuss the current market status of ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel, including vehicle usage, prices, and availability.

In this episode, Kristi Moriarty from NREL and Scott Irwin from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign discuss current production and consumption of these fuels. They share insights into the increase in stations offering ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel, expanded production of renewable diesel, and how feedstock prices impact the biofuel market.

On the Go is available on most podcasting apps, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Episodes are also available on the Clean Cities website.

Ready, Set, Go! 120+ Teams To Compete in the Solar Decathlon 2023 Design Challenge

Map showing where solar decatholon participants are from.

24 teams from 97 collegiate institutions are working to solve the climate crisis, one building at a time, by participating in the DOE Solar Decathlon® 2023 Design Challenge. This year’s teams represent 16 countries and nearly every continent, with 21 new collegiate institutions and 76 returning institutions.

2023 Design Challenge teams will present their zero energy building designs at a virtual semifinal event in February 2023. Up to 60 finalist teams will compete during an expert-juried final competition event in April 2023 at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, or virtually.

Many teams use the Design Challenge as an on-ramp to the two-year Solar Decathlon Build Challenge, where teams construct or renovate permanent zero energy houses in their local communities.

EPA Seeks Public Input on New and Existing Climate Programs

In August 2022, Congress passed, and President Biden signed, the Inflation Reduction Act into law, creating the largest investment to combat the climate crisis in U.S. history. The EPA Office of Air and Radiation is requesting public input on certain new and existing programs that will be funded by the Inflation Reduction Act. Your comments will help ensure the design and implementation of the programs reflect input from a broad coalition of stakeholders. Find details and instructions on how to submit your comments on the EPA website. Comments are due by Jan. 18, 2023.


Powering Unelectrified Tribal Buildings Funding Opportunity

Dec. 1, 2022, 3 p.m. ET

The Office of Indian Energy is hosting a webinar to provide information on a funding opportunity for unelectrified tribal buildings. Topics include a discussion on eligibility requirements, and how applications will be selected for funding.

The Thrill of Bills: Leveraging Your Water Bills to Maximize Efficiency

Dec. 6, 2022, 11 a.m. ET

Learn how to capitalize on energy efficiency by understanding your utility bills and water rates.

The Big Heat Pump Push – How Are Programs, Contractors, and the Grid Responding?

Dec. 8, 2022, 1 p.m. ET

The International Energy Agency projects the installed heat pump stock to jump from 180 to 600 million by 2030. In this peer exchange call, learn what is happening on the ground to make this a reality.

SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap: Soaring Towards Sustainable Fuel Production Goals

Dec. 13, 2022, 2 p.m. ET

Join EERE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office to learn about the Sustainable Aviation Fuels Grand Challenge Roadmap and their goal of producing 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel per year.

White House Electrification Summit 

Dec. 14, 2022, 1 p.m. ET 

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is hosting a summit to explore how electrification can help the U.S. meet its climate and equity goals. 

Available Grants and Funding Opportunities

Learn about what types of funding are available for state and local governments. To view all open funding opportunity announcements, access:

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