EVGrid Assist: Accelerating the Transition

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U.S. Department of Energy

EVGrid Assist Update

August 22, 2022

DC Fast Charing Webinar on August 30 

Don’t miss the U.S. Department of Energy’s webinar on Tuesday, August 30 from 3:00 – 4:30 pm ET as part of EVGrid Assist: Accelerating the Transition. Register here!

The power demands of DC fast charging have unique characteristics and energy requirements can be significant. The DC Fast Charging webinar will explain DC fast charging for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles, their various use-cases, their impacts on the electric grid, and the potential limitations related to capacity and interconnection. Understanding the implications and working with utilities to resolve them will be essential for successful integration with the grid. Register at www.EVGridAssistWebinars.com.

Logo reading U.S. Department of Energy EVGrid Assist, Accelerating the Transition

EVGrid Assist: Accelerating the Transition is a cross-DOE coordination and technical assistance initiative focused on the interface between vehicle charging and the electric grid that considers the full spectrum of the R&D, deploy, use, learn cycle. The initiative includes a broad spectrum of activities that will increase stakeholder knowledge, drive actions to resolve challenges and barriers related to vehicle-grid-integration (VGI) and provide pathways for stronger VGI coordination. Visit www.energy.gov/evgridassist to learn more.

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