Fact of the Week #1246

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Energy dot gov Office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy

Vehicle Technologies Office

Transportation Analysis Fact of the Week #1246


July 11, 2022

Cumulative Plug-in Vehicle Sales in the United States Reached 2.6 million in April 2022

Mass market plug-in vehicle sales began in the United States at the end of 2010 with just a few models available to consumers. As new plug-in models have been introduced and production volumes have increased, sales have accelerated accordingly. It took nearly eight years to reach one million cumulative sales but just two and a half more years to reach two million cumulative sales. Just 10 months after reaching two million in June 2021, cumulative sales climbed to 2.6 million as of April 2022.

U.S. Cumulative Plug-In Vehicle Sales, December 2010‒April 2022

Note: Plug-in vehicles refers to both plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and all-electric vehicles.

Source: Argonne National Laboratory, Light Duty Electric Drive Vehicles Monthly Sales Update.

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