The FEMP Digest provides a roundup of the latest offerings, news, and events available from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). Click the links below to learn more.
To view previous FEMP Digests, visit the Archived Digest webpage on the FEMP website.
On the route to a carbon-free power sector by 2035, the training, technology, and lessons learned at the Energy Exchange are more important than ever before. Save the date for the Department of Energy’s Energy Exchange 2021, occurring the week of August 2, 2021! With the theme, Connecting the Future, Energy Exchange 2021 will be a virtual event featuring engaging and topical trainings and sessions across the federal energy and water management community. Click here to register and learn more.
Save the date for the virtual Federal Utility Partnership Working Group (FUPWG) Seminar scheduled for May 5–6, 2021. FUPWG provides a venue for information exchange and training that fosters effective partnerships between federal agencies and their serving utilities. Participants will learn how to leverage private-sector investment in federal facility infrastructure to improve energy and water efficiency, install renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. All are invited to attend this virtual event. Details will be available soon on the FUPWG page of FEMP’s website.
FEMP Focus
FEMP Releases Facility Evaluation (Audit) Decision Tree
FEMP has completed the FEMP Facility Evaluation (Audit) Decision Tree, a selection framework that helps federal agencies and energy professionals find the best way to meet the Energy Act of 2020 comprehensive energy and water-evaluation requirements. The Audit Decision Tree can be used to:
- Identify energy and water-management programs, such as DOE's 50001 Ready, that help the facility meet multiple program goals through the audit process and project review.
- Screen facilities to determine whether an onsite or remote audit is appropriate based on the availability of data, prior audit status, and benchmarking.
- Decide which type of remote or onsite audit best matches the facility’s auditing goals.
Along with the Decision Tree, FEMP is also releasing:
- The FEMP Facility Evaluation (Audit) Definitions document, which serves as a reference for facility audit terms and includes details on overlapping requirements of ASHRAE 211 and Energy Act of 2020 compliant audits.
- Template scopes of work (SOWs) for federal agencies to procure Energy Act of 2020-compliant audit services. These templates may be used for both remote and onsite audits.
Visit FEMP's Audit Program webpage to download the Audit Decision Tree, SOWs, Audit Definitions, and other audit resources.
Cybersecurity Training Game Available for Continuing Education Units
Sponsored by FEMP, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory-developed Cybersecurity Training Game helps federal agency staff become more familiar with key cybersecurity measures while working in a resource-constrained environment, just as they would in the real world. When playing the game, your "team" will be prompted to decide which measures should be implemented in the facility to contain the breach. In the "Centipede" scenario, the user is playing as a federal employee at the General Services Administration whose primary job duties are energy and facility management. Players will develop a cybersecurity plan and projections, and respond to situations meant to test cybersecurity gaps discovered in the facility over time. Successful completion of the game can earn users continuing education units (CEUs) when accessed via their Whole Building Design Guide account. Play Centipede for CEUs or watch the introductory video to learn more.
EMPOWER Wall Installed at ORNL Demonstration Site
First unveiled as part of the Technology Pavilion at FEMP's 2020 Energy Exchange, Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) EMPOWER Wall is a first-of-its-kind smart wall that combines advanced manufacturing, building innovations, and power electronics. The EMPOWER Wall arrived at ORNL’s Shipping and Receiving building in early March 2021 for demonstration. Researchers will collect data from May to July 2021 and present their findings during the 2021 Energy Exchange.
A team of staff from the Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Office, Advanced Manufacturing Office, and ORNL, collaborated to develop the EMPOWER Wall, which doubles as a cooling system and reduces energy use, decreases peak energy demand, and lowers energy bills—all while maintaining occupant comfort. Visit FEMP's website to read more.
UESC Training Series
FEMP recently launched its UESC On-Demand Training Series. This series of short webinars provides a comprehensive introduction to UESC performance contracts, including in-depth discussion on authorizing legislation, contracting options, and best practices for developing a project via the five-phase UESC process. Continuing education units are available for each course. Advanced UESC topics such as Performance Assurance, will be available soon. Click here to take the training.
FEMP has also released an on-demand training session focused on developing a UESC project from the utility’s perspective. Federal agencies are encouraged to take the training and share it with their utility partners as they explore performance-contracting options.
FEMP Trains Agencies to Implement 50001 Ready Energy Management Systems
FEMP is excited to announce that energy managers from four federal agencies have successfully completed FEMP’s inaugural 50001 Ready Cohort Training. These include: five federal sites at the Department of Justice (DOJ), comprising the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; all 14 National Aeronautics and Space Administration space centers; 18 Veterans Affairs medical centers and healthcare sites; and 18 Department of Energy sites, including laboratories and storage sites. Offered at no cost to the participants, this seven-session online program teaches the skills needed to implement DOE’s 50001 Ready Energy Management System Program. After completing the training, Andrea Thi of DOJ said, “the DOE-organized 50001 Ready cohort training was extremely helpful. The 50001 Ready Navigator gave us a clear path forward to implement the structural energy-management program at our sites.” FEMP is planning future training cohorts. Contact us to learn more.
FEDS 8.0 Building Energy Analysis Software Released
With support from FEMP, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) released Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS) version 8.0. The FEDS building energy analysis software assists federal agencies in performing comprehensive energy and water evaluations when required by Section 1002 of the Energy Act of 2020. Agencies can use FEDS to perform energy simulation and economic modeling to evaluate energy efficiency, resilience, and cost savings opportunities for their facilities, from single buildings to large campuses. FEDS 8.0 improvements include a more intuitive user interface, additional retrofit measures, updated cost and performance data, and new output to facilitate Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) Compliance Tracking System reporting and any other internal reports needed for analysis/strategic needs. For more details, visit:
FEMP Launches New EV Webpage in Support of Fleet Electrification
In collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, FEMP has developed a multitude of programs and resources dedicated exclusively to ambitious plans for agency fleet electrification. These resources are now available on a new page on the Federal Fleet website. The site hosts the Electric Vehicles (EV) Champion Training Series, offered as both a four-part live webinar and on-demand training. This resource provides the information necessary to plan for successful EV acquisitions and optimized charger installations. The first live iteration of this series trained a total of 148 attendees. On-demand versions will be available soon, followed by a second series of webinars later this summer. The site also offers a series of ten-minute videos providing overviews of EV technology, financial considerations, and power connections; a program guide explaining the efficient design of a federal workplace charging program; information relating to GSA vehicle offerings; an overview of reporting requirements, and case studies describing best practices and success stories. For further information and assistance, contact the Federal Fleet Team.
FEMP Revamps its Utility Program Website
FEMP’s Utility Program launched an overhaul of the UESC website, updating and reorganizing content to improve the user experience. Key updates include a new “start a project” section, which concisely outlines the five phases of the UESC process, and the "enhanced project support" section, which outlines FEMP's full suite of UESC offerings, including training, technical assistance, resource documents, and easy-to-use templates. A new "resources" section lists key documents and templates by UESC phase to help keep you on track throughout the project process.
Smart Labs Toolkit Adds New Content
DOE, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories updated the Smart Labs Toolkit—one of the top resources on the Better Buildings Solution Center in the last year—to include new resources, visuals, worksheets, and partner case studies. Users can leverage a step-by-step guide outlining how organizations can create a systems-based management approach that yields a high-performing laboratory building. Employing Smart Labs methods during the design and construction of new facilities or when upgrading existing facilities can help organizations improve health and safety, reduce energy consumption, and lower operating costs. Learn more about the benefits of a Smart Labs Program in the Toolkit’s introduction.
New FEMP Publications and Tools
Utility Energy Service Contract Case Study
FEMP has published a new utility energy service contract (UESC) case study, Utility Energy Service Contract Boosts Chemical Weapons Destruction Mission at Army Pueblo Chemical Depot. At the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado, a $9.2 million UESC with Black Hills Energy has enabled electrical infrastructure upgrades critical to the Army's mission of destroying World War II-era chemical weapons. Read the full story, and find out more about federal UESCs.
FEMP Launches Updated Water Evaluation Tools
FEMP recently released a new Water Balance Tool and companion handbook. The tool has been updated to streamline the data collection process and accommodate multiple building inputs. The Water Balance tool has a user-friendly interface that provides estimates of water use in a variety of contexts. A new detailed handbook is also available that provides step-by-step instructions on performing a walk-through water survey (with descriptions/pictures of equipment), instructions on entering data into the tool, and printable data collection forms by water end-use. Visit FEMP's website to download these water evaluation tools.
Two New Fleet Reports
Understand the Core Principles of Sustainable Fleet Management: helps agency fleet managers implement optimal petroleum reduction strategies by evaluating the four core principles of sustainable fleet management. These include right-sizing the fleet to the agency mission, minimizing vehicle miles traveled, increasing fleet fuel efficiency, and optimizing cost-effective alternative fuel use.
Federal Workplace Charging Program Guide: helps federal agencies develop their own policy documents for workplace charging of privately owned vehicles. It offers details for agency facility managers, transportation personnel, employees, and vendors regarding the charging of electric vehicles for use by employees and personnel at government-owned and leased buildings.
Interested in training? View FEMP’s Training Catalog to see all FEMP’s scheduled live and on-demand training sessions.