The FEMP Digest provides a roundup of the latest offerings, news, and events available from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). Click the links below to learn more.
To view previous FEMP Digests, visit the Archived Digest webpage on the FEMP website
The Energy Exchange is going virtual in 2020, bringing energy and water-management solutions directly to YOU from August 10-14, 2020. This training event will provide energy and water professionals with the tools and resources necessary to enable a more efficient, resilient, and secure energy and water-management infrastructure across the U.S. Government. The virtual training event will include a trade show, a technology pavilion featuring a variety of technologies developed through DOE’s National Laboratories and industry partnerships, and a live technology demonstration. You can also consult with FEMP staff about tools and resources available to meet your agency’s needs and find out who is being recognized in this year’s FEDS Spotlight for their energy and water accomplishments.
Don’t miss out on this year’s event! Register now!
DOE announced its fourth generation solicitation for energy and water saving contracts to private-sector companies that will help improve the efficiency and address the infrastructure needs of federal facilities. DOE’s EERE will award indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) to multiple vendors. The solicitation can be accessed on or FedConnect (search by title "DOE FEMP ESPC IDIQ, Generation 4" or reference number "89243419REE000007").
FEMP Focus
FEMP Releases FY 2019 Annual Energy Performance Data
FEMP recently released the FY 2019 annual data for federal energy, water, and associated performance metrics. The data were released to coincide with the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ’s) posting of its FY 2019 progress update, which includes agency progress charts and the FY 2019 Office of Management and Budget’s Scorecards for Efficient Federal Operations/Management. Visit FEMP’s Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance website to view and download publicly available data tables of federal agency energy and water consumption, along with information on energy costs by end-use sector, efficiency investment, and progress toward key energy management goals.
Better Buildings Smart Labs Accelerator Results Are In!
For the past three years, 17 organizations (federal agencies, universities, and National Laboratories), in partnership with DOE, have worked to improve the safety and energy efficiency of their laboratory buildings through the Better Buildings Smart Labs Accelerator. The Accelerator provided a jump start for organizations to reduce energy usage in lab buildings by 20% in 10 years through technical assistance, data tracking, and peer exchange. The results of the Accelerator are in—across more than nine million square feet of laboratory buildings, partners have saved more than 103,000 million Btu, and are on track to surpass the Accelerator goal. On average, partners have realized a portfolio improvement of 11%. To learn more about Smart Labs and read about partner’s progress, check out the Smart Labs Toolkit.
Better Buildings Smart Labs partners gather in Denver, Colorado at the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories Conference in October 2019.
New Resources Spotlight
Distributed Wind On-Demand Training Now Available
FEMP’s new Selecting, Implementing, and Funding Distributed Wind Systems in Federal Facilities training provides information on how federal staff can make fact-based, data-driven decisions about whether or not a distributed wind project would be appropriate and cost-effective for their site. Visit the DOE Wind Energy Technologies Office distributed wind webpage for more information about wind as a distributed energy resource.
New Report on Solar Photovoltaics in Severe Weather: Cost Considerations for Storm Hardening PV Systems for Resilience
The Federal Energy Management Program and National Renewable Energy Laboratory recently published a report on Cost Considerations for Storm Hardening PV Systems for Resilience. The report provides initial estimates for the up-front cost premiums for various methods of storm hardening PV systems.
DOE Better Buildings Case Study Recognizes Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for 50001 Ready Achievements
Working with DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and FEMP, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) attained 50001 Ready at its Magnolia plant in Benton County, Mississippi. The plant was able to save approximately 18 gigawatt hours of energy and nearly $1.2 million cumulatively since May 2018—with no capital investment. Read the new case study