Wind Energy Technologies Office
April 1, 2019
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) has issued a $28 million multi-topic Funding Opportunity Announcement aimed at enabling wind energy nationwide across all sectors: land-based, offshore, and distributed. The funding covers four topics:
- Wind Innovations for Rural Economic Development (WIRED)
- U.S. Offshore Wind Test Facilities R&D and Upgrades
- Project Development for Offshore Wind Demonstrations
- Tall Towers for U.S. Wind Power
Read the DOE Press Release.
The National Offshore Wind R&D Consortium, which receives funding support from DOE's Wind Energy Technologies Office, has announced release of its first Request for Proposals (RFP) and the addition of new members. Offshore wind is an important part of DOE's all of the above strategy to ensure a secure, reliable, resilient, affordable, and enduring supply of American energy supporting early-stage research and development.
The Consortium's RFP is related to offshore wind plant technology advancement, which includes optimizing the performance of wind plants; reducing the costs of turbine support structures (e.g. foundations); developing innovative mooring and anchoring technologies for floating wind; and reducing the cost and risk associated with the transmission and distribution of electricity from offshore wind.
The Consortium has also added six new members with representation on the Consortium's Board of Directors. New members include state agencies of Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia, who have joined New York in pledged funding and other state resources to support offshore wind R&D.
Learn more on DOE's National Offshore Wind R&D Consortium web page.
Recently Updated: How Wind Works Webpage, and Wind Energy Technologies Office Projects Map
Wind technologies have advanced significantly to provide over 96 GW of capacity and over 100,000 jobs in the United States. Our website explains how wind energy works, including an interactive animation with a detailed view of the inside of a turbine, its components, and their functionality. Freshen up your knowledge on the basics by visiting the website.
Updated quarterly, DOE’s Wind Energy Technologies Office maintains a public database and map of the projects we’ve funded, which you can search or filter by state, type of partner organization, or area of research. Learn more about our funded R&D projects and their results on the Wind Energy Technologies Office Projects Map.
In Case You Missed It
DOE has announced the selection of nine projects that will catalyze technical and operational solutions to reduce environmental compliance costs and environmental impacts of land-based and offshore wind. DOE is providing a total of over $6 million for these projects, with cost-share from project partners bringing the total value of the projects to $9 million. Read the Progress Alert.