Bioenergy Technologies Office
January 16, 2019

Just Posted: The BETO 2019 Project Peer Review Agenda! Don’t miss the U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) 2019 Project Peer Review on March 4–8, 2019, at the Hilton Denver City Center in Denver, Colorado. BETO will present early-stage research and development projects across its technology areas: Advanced Algal Systems, Conversion Technologies, Feedstock Supply and Logistics, Advanced Development and Optimization, and Analysis and Sustainability. The projects will be reviewed by experts from industry, academia, and federal agencies.
The 2019 Project Peer Review, which is open to the public, will include presentations from more than 300 researchers. There will also be a poster session featuring the most recent Funding Opportunity Announcement awardees, Small Business Innovation Research recipients, and laboratory-industry partnerships.
Visit the BETO 2019 Project Peer Review website to view the draft agenda and register.
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