DOE Announces SBIR/STTR Phase I Round 2 Topics



 DOE Announces FY 2019 Phase I Release 2 Topics  
ENERGY.GOV - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Bioenergy Technologies Office 

November 13, 2018

DOE Announces FY 2019 Phase I Release 2 Topics

As part of this week’s posting of topic areas for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) research and development proposals, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announced 12 topics to fund more than 100 new projects, totaling approximately $20 million.

Nine EERE technology offices will fund proposals under these topics—one for each technology office (Advanced Manufacturing, Bioenergy, Buildings, Fuel Cells, Geothermal, Solar, Vehicles, Water, and Wind), with three joint office topics (Advanced Manufacturing and Fuel Cells, Advanced Manufacturing and Geothermal, and Advanced Manufacturing and Solar). The 41 subtopics range from Algae Engineering to Wind Turbine Blade Recycling, and there are 3 Technology Transfer Opportunity (TTO) subtopics.

Important Dates for SBIR Topic Applicants:

  • October 29, 2018: FY 2019 Phase I Release 2 Topics posted
  • November 26, 2018: DOE FY 2019 Phase I Release 2 FOA released
  • November 30, 2018: DOE FY 2019 FOA Webinar
  • December 17, 2018: Phase I Release 2 Letters of Intent due
  • February 4, 2019: Phase I Release 2 Applications due

Small businesses play a major role in spurring innovation and creating jobs in the U.S. economy. The SBIR and STTR programs were created by Congress to leverage small businesses to advance innovation at federal agencies. TTO subtopics were developed by DOE as a way for small businesses to partner with DOE national laboratories on R&D needed to speed commercialization of national laboratory inventions.

Additional information on the DOE SBIR and STTR programs is available HERE.




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