Bioenergy Technologies Office
October 23, 2018
Cell-Free Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis Listening Day Summary Report Published
Depiction of a segment of a biochemical metabolic pathway operating in an immobilized, cell-free mode. Image created by Ciesielski, Knott, Himmel, and Bomble, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE’s) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) hosted a listening day in Denver, Colorado, last year to discuss research and development opportunities related to cell-free synthetic biology and biocatalysis. The objective of this listening day was to examine how these advanced cell-free techniques could be leveraged in the development of biofuels and bioproducts. “Cell-free” biotechnologies present numerous opportunities to improve efficiency and add capabilities for pathway engineering so there is significant interest in eliciting input on how best to develop these technologies. Thirty-three attendees from academia, DOE national laboratories, other federal agencies, and industry provided information on the state of the technology. BETO has developed a report summarizing the day’s discussions.
Read the report.
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