Good Jobs Challenge Fact Sheet:
Applicants Propose Robust Partnerships to Boost Workforce Development
This summer, the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) will announce grantees for the $500 million American Rescue Plan Good Jobs Challenge. The applicant pool – 509 proposals spanning every state and territory -- shows a collective vision of reaching underserved populations and areas, and creating an equitable pathway to good jobs across the country. Today, EDA is pleased to provide a detailed look across the applicant pool for this competition.
The Good Jobs Challenge aims to expand pathways for more Americans to access good-paying jobs by building and strengthening systems and partnerships and bringing together employers who have hiring needs with other key entities to train workers with in-demand skills. By making equity a top priority and investing in wraparound services, this investment is focused on removing barriers to training, particularly for those workers hit hardest by the pandemic, including women and people of color.
The strong interest in the program shows that the opportunity of creating quality jobs is expansive and touches diverse regions, industries, and stakeholders nationwide.
The Good Jobs Challenge is part several American Rescue Plan programs developed by EDA to equitably distribute its $3 billion allocation to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build a better America. EDA is currently evaluating the applications and will announce all grantees by September 30, 2022.