U.S. DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
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U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology |
February 27, 2018 |
Annual Accomplishments 2018 highlights some of the Volpe Center’s best work
from the past year. Carried out with U.S. DOT and other partners in the public,
private, and non-profit sectors, these programs and initiatives advance U.S.
DOT’s strategic goals of safety, infrastructure, innovation, and
accountability. Read
the report and watch video highlights from five of our featured projects. |
U.S. DOT Volpe Center published more than 70 reports and conference papers in
2017 spanning a breadth of transportation topics that advance U.S. DOT’s
priorities: safety, infrastructure, innovation, and accountability. Peruse the
topics and download copies of our 2017 transportation resources. Read the full
new report from the U.S. DOT Volpe Center is a high-level primer that covers
blockchain technology basics, how smart contracts work, potential and current
applications in government and transportation, challenges to widespread
implementation, and blockchain initiatives in transportation and government.
Read the full story.
decisions can improve performance. The Volpe Center supports the Federal
Highway Administration Transportation Performance Management office in moving
FHWA and its partners toward a more performance-based assessment of the
nation’s roadways. Read the full story.
A new project to make streets safer is using an
innovative funding model to help six major cities develop best practices for
technologies to help truck drivers avoid or mitigate collisions with
pedestrians and bicyclists. Read the full story.
businesses are invited to submit research proposals for the U.S. Department of
Transportation’s (U.S. DOT) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program
fiscal year 2018 solicitation. The solicitation is open through March 20, 2018.
Learn more and apply.
a single operator to an entire system, Volpe experts help transportation
professionals understand how goods and people move today—and how they can move
better in the future. Read the full story.
Volpe Experts in the Field
Volpe staff engaged in the following noteworthy activities in January and February:
Aviation Safety: In support of FAA, Larry Barr, PhD, participated
in a meeting with the Joint Implementation Measurement and Data Analysis Team
(JIMDAT) and the Commercial Aviation Safety Team at the Boeing Company offices
in Crystal City, Virginia, January 30–February 1. JIMDAT is a joint government
and industry working group that provides recommendations for implementation of
technologies or procedures to enhance the safety of the National Airspace
Aviation Safety: Divya Chandra, PhD, briefed
the FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Top 5 team on
February 12 on the results of a study looking at flight deck human factors and
safety issues related to altitude compliance along instrument flight procedures.
The ATO is committed to continually improve safety programs to best address the
highest-risk safety issues in our National Airspace System.
Forces to
Flyers Program Design and Implementation: In support of the Office
of the Secretary, Volpe is in the process of designing the Forces to Flyers
demonstration program and planning the acquisition of flight training services
to support military veterans in transitioning to careers as airline pilots.
Rail Safety: In support of FRA, Ted Sussmann presented a paper, co-authored with Hugh Thompson of the
FRA Office of Research, Development, and Technology, titled Methods to Assess the Impact of Ballast
Condition on the Track Structure during the American Society for Testing
and Materials Symposium on Railroad Ballast Testing and Properties, held
January 24 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rail Safety: Mike Carolan assisted the FRA Forensic Investigation Team with investigating
the February 4, 2018, Amtrak/CSX collision that resulted in the fatalities of
two Amtrak employees and injuries of multiple passengers. Volpe’s rail
passenger equipment crashworthiness team provided additional technical and
logistical support and served as technical experts to the FRA Forensic
Investigation Team.
TRB Annual Meeting: Volpe Center staff from across
the organization participated in the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 97th
Annual Meeting, held January 7-11 in Washington, D.C. Staff presented papers
and posters and facilitated and led workshops on a diverse array of
transportation topics. Learn more about Volpe’s TRB activities.
Deployment: In support of ITS JPO, Hannah
Rakoff facilitated a January 11-12 meeting and work session in Washington,
D.C., of the European Union-U.S. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Working Group. The
exchange brought together experts from U.S. DOT and the European Commission to
leverage each other’s research on security of cooperative vehicles, related
radio spectrum questions, and initial cybersecurity topics. The meetings also
allowed for peer review to ensure that the traveling public enjoys a robust and
secure transportation system.
 Geographic Information Systems
Technology Assessment
Thought Leadership
Transit Planning
Transportation Planning
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Technology