U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao visits Volpe

U.S. DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology

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Volpe The National Transportation Systems Center

U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 

May 10, 2017


U.S. Secretary of Transportation Chao’s Volpe Center Homecoming


Continuing her long history with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Volpe Center, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao returned April 21 to learn how Volpe provides innovative multimodal expertise for partners at U.S. DOT, other government agencies, and the private sector.

Image of Secretary Chao
Read the full story and watch video highlights.
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Image of trucks

Experts Reveal Safety Impact of Following Distances between Heavy Trucks in Automated Platoons

Grouping heavy trucks in in the same lane with short following distances—known as platooning—can increase road capacity, improve safety, and save fuel. A team of advanced vehicle technology experts at U.S. DOT's Volpe Center conducted a first-of-its-kind study of truck following behavior using naturalistic driving dataRead the full story.

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How a Decades-Long Partnership Led to Safer Waterways around the World

U.S. DOT Volpe Center Director Anne Aylward recently contributed an article to Seaway Compass, the newsletter of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. Read on to learn about the decades-long partnership between the Seaway and Volpe that has made waterways around the world safer and more efficient for marine traffic. Read the full story.

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Measuring Traffic Performance through Innovative Low-Cost Solutions

Capturing travel data on commercial motor vehicles (CMV) is an essential component of improving and maintaining roadway safety. Through U.S. DOT’s Small Business Innovation Research program, one small business is addressing the limitations of current CMV data collection technologies with a new low-cost, low-maintenance device that eliminates the need for drivers to stop for inspections or pull over at weigh stations. Read the full story. 

Volpe Experts in the Field

Volpe staff engaged in the following noteworthy activities in April:

  • Connected and Automated Driving: Dr. Scott Smith and Eli Machek represented U.S. DOT at the first European Commission-sponsored event on connected and automated driving. Dr. Smith was the U.S. speaker in an impact assessment session and Machek co-chaired the automation in road transportation meeting.
  • Freight Data Collaboration: Luisa Paiewonsky facilitated the sixth of eight Federal Highway Administration and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ regional freight workshops. Volpe has been delivering and documenting regional freight workshops on freight data collaboration and standardization.
  • Rail Safety: Officials from the Federal Railroad Administration asked Brian Marquis to help with an equipment investigation related to recent derailments. Volpe has been studying these issues and also participates in two rail safety advisory committees formed to address safety issues. These groups are looking into whether regulations regarding track inspection and rail integrity should be revised or augmented to increase safety.

  • Rail Innovation: Volpe staff recently presented technical papers at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Joint Rail meeting. Michael Carolan discussed recent impact tests and simulations of rail vehicle fuel tanks. Patricia Llana discussed locomotive retrofit and test preparation for crash energy management locomotive coupling tests. Dr. Hailing Yu presented her paper Finite Element Analysis of Contributing Factors to the Horizontal Splitting Cracks in Concrete Crossties Pretensioned with Seven-Wire Strands.
  • Maritime Domain Awareness: Lauren Gentile and William Quintana trained the U.S. Navy’s 6th Fleet on SeaVision 2.0. Volpe recently released its new version of SeaVision to the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Forces. SeaVision, a Volpe-developed system, was selected as the U.S. Navy’s unclassified maritime information sharing system.
  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Karen Van Dyke participated in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Transportation Working Group (TWG) meeting in Taiwan. Van Dyke co-chairs the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Implementation Team, which focuses on the application of the U.S. Global Positioning System, GPS augmentation systems, and emerging GNSS systems from other nations, for safety and mobility applications in all modes of transportation.
  • Multimodal Mobility: Mike Dinning gave a keynote presentation about making mobility work at the New England Intelligent Transportation System Annual Interchange. Dinning provided examples of innovative applications of technology that improve access to multimodal mobility options.
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