USDOT Navigator – August Biweekly Bulletin

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U.S. Department of Transportation

USDOT Technical Assistance Spotlight

Opportunities to Learn More About Public Engagement

  • For members of the public looking to get involved in transportation decision making in their communities: The USDOT Office of the Secretary’s Office of Public Engagement is holding a virtual public involvement workshop on September 9, 2024, building on in-person workshops delivered across the country between April and July 2024. This workshop will engage community leaders and members of the public on the transportation decision-making process and how they can ensure their voices are heard. Participants will learn how their involvement can make a difference in the transportation system in their communities. The content in this workshop is based on the Transportation Decision-Making: A Guide to Getting Involved, which provides community leaders and the public with an overview of the transportation decision-making process and provides information about how to get involved to make a difference in transportation in your community. Register here to attend the virtual workshop.
  • For transportation practitioners looking to improve public engagement practices: USDOT is hosting the next installment of its Meaningful Public Involvement training series on September 23 at 2:30-4:30 p.m. ET. The September training will focus on meaningful public involvement approaches, techniques, and examples in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The training is open to the public and is best suited for transportation practitioners seeking to improve their meaningful public involvement practices and exchange challenges and lessons learned with peers across the country. Registration is required to attend and will be limited to 300 attendees, so please confirm your ability to attend virtually before reserving your spot. The training is intended to be interactive and engaging; if you prefer to review the materials on your own, you can view the slides from the general training hosted in March here.

Other Upcoming Events

  • The Build America Bureau is hosting a webinar tomorrow, August 27 at 3:00 p.m. ET to share information about the credit review process and considerations for potential transit-oriented development loans. Register here to attend the credit underwriting webinar. Visit the Build America Bureau’s transit-oriented development webpage to learn more about financing a project.
  • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)’s next Equity in Roadway Safety Webinar will take place on September 4 at 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET and will focus on Roadway Safety for People Experiencing Homelessness. The webinar will focus on sharing promising practices for DOT staff to address the road safety needs of people experiencing homelessness. Staff from State and local transportation agencies will share promising practices they’ve implemented that address the increased risk for fatal and serious injuries for this population in a sustainable and humane way, as they work on reaching the goal of zero deaths. Register here to join the webinar.
  • The USDOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) is launching its Pathways to Entrepreneurship Program (P2E): Powering Small Businesses in Emerging Transportation Markets with a one-day pilot program experience on September 10 at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET at USDOT Headquarters and via virtual live broadcast. The P2E is created to empower small, disadvantaged businesses seeking to pivot into new and emerging transportation markets; engage HBCU institutions; and educate aspiring HBCU students with an entrepreneurial mindset eager to explore new transportation markets and help them consider transportation career options upon graduation. The one-day pilot program experience is an overview of the P2E and will feature highlights of the six-month pilot program for small, disadvantaged businesses. Small business owners and others attending the one-day pilot program will meet key USDOT leaders; engage and network with industry professionals and successful entrepreneurs; and provide valuable feedback to help OSDBU refine the program before launching the six-month initiative. Participants will also receive information on potential funding opportunities and learn about business growth possibilities in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Registration is required by September 3 for in-person attendance. Due to overwhelming demand for this experience, space in the virtual option is full. Limited space is still available for people to attend in person. Spaces are filling quickly, so register now to claim yours.

Resources and Updates

  • FHWA’s Vision Zero Toolkit provides communities, organizations, and advocates with tools and resources to advance Vison Zero – the goal of getting to zero deaths and serious injuries among roadway users. Each section includes a variety of available resources and examples of notable practices from existing Vision Zero communities.
  • FHWA’s Safe System Roadway Design Hierarchy helps agencies and practitioners prioritize engineering and infrastructure-based countermeasures to reduce roadway fatalities. The resource outlines a four-tiered approach that can be applied to any scenario, from a city street to an interstate freeway.
  • FHWA published the Model Inventory of Roadway Elements 2.1 (MIRE 2.1) to provide States with a national model of relevant roadway and traffic data inventory they can use to support data-driven decision making. Consistent with other MIRE updates, MIRE 2.1 includes a revised format to reflect modern database environments, better aligns with other Federal datasets and requirements across FHWA, updates operational and design elements that have become more widely implemented, and serves as a resource for meeting Federal safety data requirements.
  • USDOT published a new webpage on the DOT Navigator on Funding to Address Legacy Highways. Across the country, many highways that were built decades ago need to be transformed to meet modern safety standards, ensure access for everyone using them, and serve as a centerpiece of community economic revitalization. Many Federal programs under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law can support projects to modernize these highways through Complete Streets strategies that meet both the current standards and the needs of the communities that surround them. The webpage includes a list of formula and discretionary grant programs available to undertake Complete Streets improvements. It also provides a link to the recording from the July 31 webinar on Resources for Transforming Legacy Highways (passcode: ?FMqp7@0) and to a resource summary sheet.
  • On August 16, USDOT announced its Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment Plan as part of its commitment to reducing deaths and serious injuries on our nation’s roadways. The Plan is focused on road safety, mobility, and efficiency through technology that enables vehicles and wireless devices to communicate with each other and with roadside infrastructure. These technologies can enable a more safe, secure, and efficient transportation system while maintaining privacy and consumer protection and will contribute to the Safe System Approach adopted by the USDOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy.

Upcoming USDOT Funding Resources and Opportunities

The USDOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard provides communities with an overview of discretionary grant opportunities that can help meet their transportation infrastructure needs. The Dashboard also includes Federal grant programs outside of DOT that may be of particular interest torural communities.The list below spotlights a few of the currently open funding opportunities – visit the Grants Dashboard to find more or check out the calendar of open and upcoming grant opportunities!  

New and Notable! 

  • On August 15, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the availability of more than $9 million in competitive grants for its FY 2024 Public Transportation on Indian Reservations (Tribal Transit) Program. The program is open to Federally recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages, groups, or communities as identified by the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Eligible activities include planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal transit services in rural areas. Applications must be submitted by November 13, 2024 via
  • To support communities in preparing strong Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program grant applications, the Reconnecting Communities Institute (RCI) is hosting a series of no-cost, virtual Grant Writing Clinics and Office Hours. Led by experts with deep experience in federal grant programs, and in assisting communities with transportation reconnection projects, these events will include an overview of the program, Q&A with previous grant recipients, strategy sessions, and office hours. States, local governments, Tribal governments, regional entities, and nonprofit entities are all welcome to join. Register for the September 13 Grant Writing Clinic (12:00-5:00 p.m. ET) or the September 16 Office Hours Session (11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ET). For more information, please view the RCI Resource Library or contact RCI at

Closing Soon! 

  • FHWA is accepting applications for its Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) discretionary grant program. The CFI Round 2 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) offers up to $1.3 billion in funding for new applications and for previously submitted applications. The CFI Program is a competitive grant program created by President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in the places people live and work – urban and rural areas alike – in addition to designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). CFI Program investments will make modern and sustainable infrastructure accessible to all drivers of electric, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas vehicles. This program provides two categories of grants: (1) Community Charging and Alternative Fueling Grants (Community Program); and (2) Charging and Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants (Corridor Program). FHWA hosted a grant overview webinar and a webinar on reconsideration of Round 1 applications in June – view the webinar presentations and recordings. Applications are due by August 28, 2024.
  • The final deadline for Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Planning and Demonstration Grant applications is Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Late applications will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted through Valid Eval. For more information, please visit the How to Apply page of the SS4A website. Applicants are encouraged to review the NOFO amendment, published on April 16, 2024, for the latest updates on the SS4A FY24 funding opportunity.  A final round of questions and answers is available on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page of the SS4A website.

Closing in September

  • FHWA is accepting applications for its Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program (WCPP), a competitive grant program with the goal of reducing Wildlife Vehicle Collisions (WVCs), while improving habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species. The WCPP provides funding for construction and non-construction projects. Construction projects include engineering, design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition, and other activities related to the construction of infrastructure improvements, such as the building of a wildlife crossing overpass or underpass. Non-construction projects include planning, research, and educational activities that are not directly related to construction of infrastructure improvements, such as a hot spot analysis of WVCs. Applications must be submitted electronically through grants.govno later than11:59 p.m. ET on September 4, 2024. Find more information in the NOFO.
  • FHWA has made available at least $196 million for FY2023 Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) grants as part of the FY23-26 Culvert AOP NOFO. The National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program (Culvert AOP Program) is a competitive grant program that awards grants to eligible entities for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish. Anadromous is the term that describes fish born in freshwater who spend most of their lives in saltwater and migrate back to freshwater to spawn. The deadline to apply for FY23 funding via grants.govis September 23, 2024, at 11:59 p.m., ET.Learn more about the Culvert AOP Grants.
  • The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is accepting applications for its Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program and Restoration and Enhancement (R&E) Grant Program. The RCE Grant Program is dedicated to improving railroad crossing safety and efficiency, investing in projects that construct grade separations, upgrade safety devices at crossings, or close at-grade crossings where roads and train tracks intersect. Applications for the RCE Grant Program are due by September 23, 2024. The R&E Grant Program assists with operating costs for eligible projects that will establish service on new routes, restore service on routes that formerly had intercity passenger operations, and enhance service on existing routes. Applications for the R&E Grant Program are due by September 30, 2024. FRA hosted webinars on these grant opportunities to discuss application requirements, share best practices and tips, and provide information about the grant evaluation process and timeline – view webinar recordings on the FRA Webinars page.
  • More than $600 million is available for capital construction and community planning grants through the third round of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program. The RCP Program focuses on improving access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation; fostering equitable development and restoration; and providing technical assistance to further these goals. Learn more in the RCP Program NOFO. The deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, September 30, 2024. USDOT is hosting a series of webinars for potential applicants – register for an upcoming webinar or view past webinar recordings here.

In preparing your application for any of the above programs, be sure to read the specific Notice of Funding Opportunity and related program materials to ensure your project and organization are eligible and you are meeting other program/application requirements. General information to help prepare for DOT applications can also be found on the DOT Navigator, including the Discretionary Grant Preparation Checklist for Prospective Applicants.

Popular USDOT Navigator Grant Application Resources

If you have information or resources you would like to be considered for inclusion in future USDOT Navigator biweekly bulletins, reach out to

Click the link below to join the listserv or visit the USDOT Navigator to find information and resources on applying for USDOT grants and planning for and delivering transformative infrastructure projects and services.

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