Celebrating National Autism Awareness Month

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Celebrating National Autism Awareness Month

On behalf of all of us at OFCCP, we would like to celebrate National Autism Awareness Month with you. We encourage you to join us in recognizing the talents and skills of people on the autism spectrum today and throughout National Autism Awareness Month in April.

Ensuring equal employment opportunity for individuals with disabilities, including people on the autism spectrum, is a core tenet of OFCCP's mission. In our work, we see the value added when federal contractors create inclusive workplaces. That means offering our full support to people on the autism spectrum and to the contractors who stand to benefit from their talents and skills.

OFCCP has taken clear action to demonstrate our commitment. We issued Directive 2018-04 in 2018, empowering our team to conduct Section 503 focused reviews. These reviews allow OFCCP to ensure that federal contractors comply with disability-related employment obligations, and to encourage best practices in recruiting, hiring, and retaining individuals with disabilities.

We encourage contractors to consider developing autism at work programs and other disability inclusion programs. Find resources to get started.

In the spirit of raising awareness on how to better support individuals on the autism spectrum in the workplace, OFCCP has provided a list of helpful resources and tools from our organization and the Office of Disability Employment Policy, one of our partners at the U.S. Department of Labor:

See Best Practices