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Safe and Sound at Work - helping businesses implement safety and health programs in the workplace

Get Your Program Started

Implementing a complete safety and health program takes time. OSHA’s 10 Ways to Get Your Program Started Graphics  provide simple steps you can take to get your workplace safety and health program started, and to move your business forward to prevent injuries and illnesses. Download the images and share them on social media using #SafeAndSoundAtWork.

10 ways

heat poster

Prevent Heat Illness at Work

Although heat illness is preventable, every year, thousands of workers become sick from occupational heat exposure, and some cases are fatal. OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention campaign’s newest resource, Prevent Heat Illness at Work, highlights how to protect workers from outdoor and indoor heat exposure.  Download it now!


We Can Do This

COVID-19 vaccines are available at no cost to everyone age 12 and older living in the United States, regardless of immigration or insurance status. Visit to find a vaccination site near you and schedule an appointment.


 find and fix

Check on Safety Challenge 

Finding and fixing hazards is a core element of a workplace safety and health program. A systematic find and fix approach is an ongoing process that helps better identify and control sources of potential injuries and illnesses. This includes establishing procedures to collect and review information about known or potential hazards in the workplace, investigating the root cause of those hazards, and prioritizing hazard controls.

Learn how to keep workers safe by finding and fixing hazards in your workplace. Take the Check on Safety Challenge! Complete the items on the checklist, earn your challenge coin, then share the results in your workplace or on social media using #SafeAndSoundAtWork and #CheckOnSafety.

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